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Joined 9 October 2016
Junior Member
6 years6 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Question about Bricklayer (Pictures attached)

It will be sikaflexed if say

6 years6 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Question about Bricklayer (Pictures attached)

It will be silaflexed if say

6 years6 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Gap at the architrave joins

Painters probably used a putty instead of a plaster on the joins, chippy may not have glued the mitres either, houses also move 30mm over there life time

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
wooden subfloor water damage

Is it yellowtongue flooring? And sorry to answer your question, I would get a building inspector to come and have a look and heko you prepare a claim if…

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

They won't render, its nearly 100% they won't its either the entire wall comes down or they will grind out the bricks and replace it. Unless of course you want…

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8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Shower/toilet location logic?

That would be very silly if they architraved the wet area

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

They will have to acid wash the bricks

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8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
KDR with Fairmont Homes

Love the front door.

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

Standards go from builder to builder really, I work for villaworld and they are very strict on finishes, I just think that kind of work in the front entry is…

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

Holy mother of god is that serious, some tradesmen are an actual joke to think they get paid per brick delivered to site makes Me I'll

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Front Cladding Nails Sticking Out

Yeah it would have been a coil gun shooting it on, not really anything you can do, pulling it out you have risk of damaging the face if the board…

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Fence / Concrete / Electric gate sequence

Sounds like your on to it mate, just make sure all your plumbing and electrical is accounted for, which you have already mentioned.

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Delivery of wall frame, sub floor joist and roof truss

Yup deliveries crane truck, and yes anything that needs to go further out and up needs a franna. The power lines the operators will navigate those unless there a cowboy.

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Delivery of wall frame, sub floor joist and roof truss

Yeah the crane truck is all you need but at roof stage chippies need a franna to lift trusses but they might organise that.

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Delivery of wall frame, sub floor joist and roof truss

I don't know the exact model but its simply a truck with a palfinger thing or some little crane onboard

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Front Cladding Nails Sticking Out

That's the entire reason why we hide the nails, because it looks tacky

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Front Cladding Nails Sticking Out

The cladding would have rolled and they closed the gap under the board by shooting it, they should have used a fixout gun to try that not a coil gun,…

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Tiling and plaster removed during toilet installation

That's gyprock so that's just a toilet on its own no shower in there? The toilet isn't very hard to disconnect if the toilet does need to come off, don't…

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Shower/toilet location logic?

I like the first image, window next to the shower with help rid steam aswell.

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Tolerances for rectified porcelain tiles

There's no building codes behind tiles? Only in wet areas? What's your question exactly? Why so much $$$$? Laying tiles is painful at the best of times

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Alfresco step down heights

50mm is fine are you getting Facebrick or render

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Sanding rises on set of stairs- putty issue

Photos will tell the story a little better :)

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Building with Metricon

Tell them to rip it off and Blueboard it, pure lazyness that is, good too see they used pine outside xD give me your supervisors number I'll let it rip

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8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Huxley Homes

Yeah look I'm just saying that from a QLD perspective the owners were incredibly drained and stressed, find a builder with a solid trade base and good supervisors there the…

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8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Alfresco step down heights

You never know what the concrete is doing haha, all the best with it always go with your gut feeling that's all I can say :)

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Alfresco step down heights

It's so water can't enter the dwelling, tile and glue would be 10mm max at the very max only way to get around it would be to say it's for…

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Huxley Homes

I have contracted to them, it was unprofessional there's no quality, we started frame no garage door beams or alfresco a house frame if trusses are ready should take a…

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:

I recently worked on a house that had kwilla colour mortar and truffle brick all house was kwilla beading and posts looked so awesome

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
Huxley Homes

I feel very sorry for anyone that builds under newstart

8 years8 yearsLochietheChippyLochietheChippy posted:
slab issues

It will be ok I know it seems like a drama it's not, honestly I've probably only had 20 square slabs in my career, quite often we move frames…

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