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Joined 14 February 2011
Bronze Member
6 years6 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

Wait until you start building, it’s even worse. If I don’t follow up an issue, I don’t hear from them but when I do it’s the same line “I’ll follow…

Porter Davis homes
6 years6 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

They ended up calling me that day, it was going to be $1,300 for cat1 and $2,200 for cat4.
In the end we stayed with a solid grey laminex, took them…

6 years6 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

Ours has been hopeless through our the whole build. I was talking to my husband this morning on how we can try find out who is above him.
We didn’t…

6 years6 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

We chose a wood grain laminex, but KC failed to tell us that there would be a join at 3200 (our bench is 3700) the second piece has a total…

6 years6 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi guys
First time poster. Just unsure how to approach the situation
We are pretty much at PCI point and our SS told us he was going away for 2 weeks, at…

7 years7 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

Love love! Are those the simplicity Nero Matt in the bathroom? They are our floor tiles as well. Your splash back we used those as the feature behind the free…

8 years8 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Anyone in Settlers Hill Mernda??

Hi loveguru, i know that is an old post but I just came across it today.
What stage in Settlers Hill did you buy in? we bought in 9B and are…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Dulux Namadji

Our front render is namadji...its a black grey with maybe a touch of brown it's weird to describe but I love it

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Ladies and Gents, step right up! Mernda & Doreen Residents

We sure did have a delay. Was meant to be June-July but it ended up being mid September. It all depends on the weather as well. I think the delay…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Ladies and Gents, step right up! Mernda & Doreen Residents

looking at your block we are neighbours! in your nearmap picture our house is the framed one where the cars are! If you ever see a black and white husky…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Ladies and Gents, step right up! Mernda & Doreen Residents

When is your land titling?
We wanted a larger block >700sqm and what was available was out of our price range or on a decent slope and not worth it. We…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
House Entrance Feature wall ideas. I'm not an arty farty

oohhh didn't think of textured wall paper! That would be so much better and still give the same wow factor. Now to find somewhere that has textured wallpaper.
I have narrowed…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Ladies and Gents, step right up! Mernda & Doreen Residents

Welcome to the thread! We lived in Laurimar 09-11 and bought in MV 2010 moved in start of 2012-now
Sure is still active. There are quite a few of us that…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
House Entrance Feature wall ideas. I'm not an arty farty

Thanks everyone for your advice. That's why i wanted to feed off so I don't go out spend all the money and I end up approaching it the wrong way.…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Ladies and Gents, step right up! Mernda & Doreen Residents

I've seen your fence. It looks great. I wouldn't worry unless they approach you. Friends of ours live on the other end of MV drive been there for 3-4yrs and…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
House Entrance Feature wall ideas. I'm not an arty farty

Hi Everyone. I am so stuck on my feature wall in the entrance of our house. I want it to say WOW when you come in. I really wanted to…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Ladies and Gents, step right up! Mernda & Doreen Residents

Thank you so much!!!
I live in MV and have NBN :z: my tenants are asking about internet for my rental in Doreen.
Why can't it…

11 years11 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Ladies and Gents, step right up! Mernda & Doreen Residents

I was wondering if anyone knows about internet availability in Laurimar. It used to be locked to Telstra Velocity. I rang the estate and they said you can go with…

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

thanks a million helen!

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

thanks helen. Looking forward to hearing your response!

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Helen it's the Bristol 41 on display at taylors Hill :D

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

thanks heaps for your help. I will as in the q&a first and then call them :D

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Porter Davis homes

hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone knows what colour feature wall this is??

it's the Bristol 41 British Empire at Taylors hill

Porter Davis homes
12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
Ladies and Gents, step right up! Mernda & Doreen Residents

hey vetra43. No idea, sorry :S

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
colour opinions - I am not good at colour combos

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
My mother in law gave me free blue/green paint a few years ago which i painted the living/study, now i want it gone!
the whole house…

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
A & E's House! Pg 85 - a year or 2 worth of updates 11/12/14

I absolutely love your bookshelf in the den. Did you get it made or did you buy it? I've been trying to look for something similar but cant find anything.…

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
HELP! Name of these trees

thank you so much!! you have made my hunt for this so easy :z:

12 years12 yearsmak_mak_ posted:
HELP! Name of these trees

thanks meowsy. Might head to the nursery and have a look :D

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Porter Davis homes
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