First Build in Perth - Choosing a Builder
Highly recommend!
Scott Watson - Dale Alcock Homes
0407 390 746
He is a building consultant and not a salesman!
If you need proof of how good he really is, and the service he…

First Build in Perth - Choosing a Builder
We built with Celebration Homes back in 08/09, and are currently building with Dale Alcock Homes. Both builds have had their minor hiccups but overall both have been outstanding from…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
The ceiling and cornices are complete and the Plasterers have begun!
A quick visit today and it's crazy how white walls make rooms look so much bigger

Build with HGWA
Looking really good!
We are in Landsdale also, and been amazed at how many new homes are being built and how quickly the slab to bricks to roof process takes! It's…

First Time Home Build
Hi Caupetzai,
We are currently building our second home, and believe that deciding on a builder will be best determined on your building budget. Different builders cater for different clients and…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
Well has it been a while or what!? We have been so busy with so much happening in the last 6 months!
I thought it may be time to upload a…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
Colour meeting completed...
External colours all done, hopefully get some pictures up soon
Internal colours/tiles not yet done... Just too much of a choice so we visited a few tile shops to…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
Colour Meeting booked in for Tuesday 20th September
Bali Holiday for the Wifes 30th booked in for 7th-17th October

New Generation build - WA (Roof)
Looking good!
Its amazing how good your home starts to look when the roof frame is completed!
The funny thing about your house is, we use Huntington to get from our block…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
A quick question for opinions and comments
Awning or Sliding windows for the front of the house?
Also did people have a choice or choices when it…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
Hi jpmontoya
We have a south facing front and north facing backyard
I don't think the stackers will fit into our budget haha
At the…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
Hi Wellard2ndTimers,
Thanks for your comments, much appreciated
So far our ride with DHA has been fantastic, our sales consultant has exceeded expectations in…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
Hi SallyS,
Thanks for your comments, we appreciate any feedback no matter whether it is positive or negative. If its going to help us in the long run then we are…

DAH Build in Landsdale WA - PCI
Hi SallyS, Yes I have just started my thread this week, have a look and let me know what you think

DAH Build in Landsdale WA - PCI
Hi SallyS
Your house is coming along very nicely! You must be excited now you are at Lock up!
How have you found your building experience with Dale Alcock?
We just signed up…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
Awesome! We have have family members who live in Corimbia!
Its great to see Landsdale evolving with the new estates and new homes
We are looking forward to the move there when…

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
jpmontoya, We are building in Vermont Gardens Estate

Custom Dale Alcock Build - Landsdale
Hi All,
I have been a member of this forum for the past month or so and have enjoyed reading lots of members stories and their building journey. Well I thought…