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Joined 4 June 2015
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9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

hey mate, we have our NHP next friday, pretty excited to say the least. How much did your inspector cost if you don't mind me asking? Whats this pipe…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Infinity Estate - Plumpton, VIC

The ad says "land to be titled in January"... 2017 ??

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

its good to know how quickly you are moving, especially because we are only a couple of weeks behind. We've just about finished painting, tiling and fit off's coming…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

sounds like we are at exactly the same stage. I got locked out just after bricks were completed and I received my lock up invoice.

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

end of april! doesn't that seem so far away especially with the progress of your house. I thought end of march for you guys definitely.

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

how long has it taken you to get to this stage from lock up? I only ask because I officially got to lock up yesterday, We have had all…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Henley Homes

Hi guys, maybe you should consider title insurance for this issue in case your neighbor doesn't cooperate.

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

There is (was) a lux q2 in cragieburn, thats where we decided on the house.

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

Hi Mate,
we have the same size block as you, we removed the alfresco and ran that wall straight through, we also turned the theatre room into the alfresco.. Just…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

We are going with a darker expossed agg with white specs. We are doing driveway and paths down both sides of the house for the price henley intended on…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

Is Henley doing your flooring and driveway? I'm hoping for end of march handover and I'd be guessing that I'm at least 3 weeks behind you guys... however Henley…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

you're all going so much faster than mine!! My frame is still sitting there...

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
New Home Carmelle Lux Q2 with Henleys

that is quick! I thought they surely would finish the bricks before plaster. I guess the sisilation wrap is good enough.

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Infinity Estate - Plumpton, VIC

Has anyone looked into whats happening with the NBN? I know I have to build my house so it is NBN ready, but is the estate hooked up?

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Infinity Estate - Plumpton, VIC

might just be the developer using the website to advertise

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

what is a vac pan? Do u just sweep stuff in front of it and it sucks it up? Wish I knew about that at design stage!

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

your place is going heaps quicker than mine. we had our slab and frame finished before christmas and its still sitting there now with no one working on it. …

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

We have pretty much built right up the easement on our block with council and CWW approval. I can't remember the details but it has something to do with…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Fed up with my builder - now crapping in my toilets

Have any of you people ever stepped foot in a portaloo? They are literally the most disgusting things in the world. Sorry lady but if i was working in…

  ⋅  2
9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
New Home Carmelle Lux Q2 with Henleys

Hi yeah same distance as me, It doesn't seem so tight in person. we've just had our frame installed too.. Hopefully we all get quality houses built!

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

we aren't far behind you either, our frame should be done by wednesday. Did you walk through a display home before you chose the carmelle? I feel…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
New Home Carmelle Lux Q2 with Henleys

Hi guys,
how much space do you have between your fence and slab on the left hand side? We are building the same house with a few changes to the…

9 years9 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Infinity Estate - Plumpton, VIC

Hi guys,
my block in stage 2 was valued 5k lower.
I couldn't get NAB or bank of melbourne to even give me a loan because they said my land is…

10 years10 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
genuine savings question

Hi Guys,
I'll start with a bit of information to try and fully explain my odd situation and see if anyone can give me some advice..
I applied and was approved for…

10 years10 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
easement Vs building envelope help

thanks bashworth, I was actually on your website yesterday. I actually don't know how deep the pipes are so it is hard for me to determine the zone of influence.…

10 years10 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Infinity Estate - Plumpton, VIC

Our block in stage 2 titled almost 2 months ago. We were told it would be january/february 2015 but it actually titled around the start of June. Don't…

10 years10 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
easement Vs building envelope help

Hi Guys,
Just a quick question because I'm a bit confused and don't know who to ask.
According to my subdivision plans, we have a 3m easement at the rear of…

10 years10 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
easement VS building envelope

Hi Guys,
Just a quick question because I'm a bit confused and don't know who to ask. According to my subdivision plans, we have a 3m easement at the rear…

10 years10 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

We have two loans, one for the land which was valued on par with the amount we paid, the second loan for construction was the amount they low balled us…

10 years10 yearsmitchiibmitchiib posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

Hi guys,
just a quick warning because of what happened to us.. After we did all our upgrades and were stoked on our house, the bank undervalued the construction by…

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