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Joined 3 August 2016
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7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

That’s nearly what we have (40 squares though)
Except upstairs we did master and upper rumpus together, and bedrooms 2,3,4 together but yes 4 zones all up
Building Majestic…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

The WiFi upgrade is worth every cent!!!!!! My favourite thing in our house. It’s been a god send this summer in the middle of the night to grab your phone,…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Looks amazing!!!!!! Congrats. I had to laugh at your comment about the concrete colour, I was the same!! HAHAHAHA then they paint it and the new colour has to grow…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Hooray! Happy to hear you are on the home stretch - then the fun begins! We were the same with unregistered land. Even with registered land I don’t feel
Wisdom would…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Holy smokes it looks amazing!!!!! So glad you came on to post some pics. Congrats! It’s pretty special seeing it all come together as a home after so long.

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Thank you! I’m already cursing the amount of glass and windows in our house when my nieces come to visit hahaha
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

No probs!
11 days to go! Eek so yes I’m about to find out how un-Baby friendly my house is hahaha
I’m on mat leave so feel free to message…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I love the free standing and the bench actually runs behind the back of mine so no problems there, but who knows what ends up down the sides but it’s…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Oh no! I have no idea what it was? Maybe just 0000?
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Here are some pics of our cavity sliders from the hallway. The closer one is of our study, 820 and the bigger one is the theatre room - 1200. As…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Not really as I like the ability to close it off- BUT I was advised to get one with clear glass. Totally pointless for a theatre room as now so…

Building with Wisdom Homes
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I’ll try to remember tomorrow to take a photo but we put a 1200 timber cavity slider on ours. The wall itself moves a lot of you press on it…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

No problems really. Not a fan of the cutlery tray layer in the dishwasher though, I found either my plates fit (if I hoisted up the glasses rack) but then…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

We had the hailstorm hold up last year so hopefully that’s correct for you :) our PCI was about the 24th May I think!
Thank you!…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Looking great! If it helps, our internals started around then too, and we moved in mid June :) we were at a similar place in the…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I always thought I'd get them for this house (it was my 3rd time building) but the cost was ridiculous and honestly so grateful I didn't (even if the cost…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Yeah ours was about a week before handover too! How come?
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

It was an upgrade for us!
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Loooooove that hexagon feature tile!!!!
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Ooooo love those basins!!! I wish we had upgraded!
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

No extra costs for hills council with DA! That's exactly what we did! You need to pay for the sewer peg out though as its a new development, I think…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Ours is merbau if that helps!

Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

Building with Wisdom Homes
  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I'll PM you :)
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Take heaps of photos - as it'll be a LONG time before you see your selections again. Do you have kitchen appt or tiles first?
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Hi Jess,
Yes they were a standard inclusion for us (selected in Jan 2016 on the prestige package) and are 500 X 500 tiles. Pretty sure they are a colour…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I feel everything is a lot more energy efficient than older homes (the led downlights etc) so I'm feeling okay about our bills. We just have the two of us…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Yeah we just kind of use it to cool down a room, but mostly use ceiling fans at night!
Yeah 1st proper power bill just came through - $600 -…

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

We just got the standard (classic) with 2 additional zones and honestly it works great and we are in a 40square house! It takes like 7 years of use (or…

  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

I think it was about 3k, but depends on the size of your alfresco obviously.
Building Majestic 40 - wisdom homes

7 years7 yearsMrsLlamas2016MrsLlamas2016 posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

We had this on our first tender as it was in the display home and we loved it. I guess you could add it at any stage? I think it…

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