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261 Posts
Silver Member



Secret Harbour WA
Joined 30 July 2016
Silver Member
8 years8 yearsZoePerthZoePerth posted:
Alkimos Aveling first timers!

I'm still waiting to see how it looks too! Hopefully he will start the actual painting tomorrow...
Other friend is going good with soakwells and starting to level and do…

Alkimos Aveling first timers!
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8 years8 yearsHGMbuildHGMbuild posted:
Hooray, we are building the Metricon Glendale 38 in Sydney!!

Thanks Mrs Prez,
The excuses never end it's true.
Only when I get the keys, fix all the issues myself, decorate it and make it a home for my family will I…

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8 years8 yearsMichelleMichelle posted:
Colour questions?

Hi ma_prez...yes you hit it on the head.
If you like your wall colour drop it back a couple of shades for your trims, that way all colours are in…

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8 years8 yearsdarkmidarkmi posted:
HGWA - free standing bath

Thanks ms_prez - hopefully they can sort it out without having to rip out the bath or the ceiling below!

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8 years8 yearsZoePerthZoePerth posted:
Our Summit Homes Build in Secret Harbour WA

Feathers Dawn is pretty white isn't it? Seem to think i looked at that one on the same palette as WA White which is what we ended up doing. It's…

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8 years8 yearsjpmontoyajpmontoya posted:
Our Summit Homes Build in Secret Harbour WA

Looking great ms_prez
Oh btw have you seen this https://www.facebook.com/groups/ShonkyBuildersWA/
Good to know that summit has so far very good feedback

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8 years8 yearsspuddles76spuddles76 posted:

Wifey will be doing the second PCI at 8am next Wednesday. Then she'll come and pick me up from the airport....and then....
We pick up OUR KEYS at 1130am!!!!!

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8 years8 yearsSallySSallyS posted:
DAH Build in Landsdale WA - PCI

ms_prez It's Solver Floral White. And we used Floral White in 50% for the doors, door frames and skirting boards.

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8 years8 yearsromance76romance76 posted:
Our Summit Homes Build in Secret Harbour WA

Had a look at your blog its really informative as well as being quite amusing to read. Looking forward to following your build, as I really love how you have…

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8 years8 yearsalexkradalexkrad posted:
Celebration Homes - Mason Green Piara Waters [Moved In]

Thanks! They have agreed to moving the lighting so that's a win. Site supervisor has pushed our PCI meeting back though to give him time to patch etc the holes…

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8 years8 yearsspiffmiffspiffmiff posted:
Secret Harbour WA Build. Any advice?

One of the Block teams (Julia & Sasha) did this with Caesarstone and IMO it looked great :-) Maybe Google for some pics from f their…

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8 years8 yearsrosemirosemi posted:
Doing it again

Tks ms_prez, shazaw & dawn
View thread:

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8 years8 yearsDee16Dee16 posted:
Colour questions?

No worries, sounds lovely! Beautiful and bright. Yes I really like it too. I agree will be interesting to hear from an expert :)

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8 years8 yearsjpmontoyajpmontoya posted:
Our Summit Homes Build in Secret Harbour WA

wife attended interior design course there, i would highly recommend as some of the things she picked up were never looked at by us.

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8 years8 yearsDee16Dee16 posted:
Colour questions?

ms_prez he said it's got no personality and it doesn't give enough contrast to the trims.

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8 years8 yearsjpmontoyajpmontoya posted:
Our Summit Homes Build in Secret Harbour WA

Looking great!

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8 years8 yearsmantra29mantra29 posted:
Metricon Mantra 29 - Adelaide Hills

Looking good MS-Prez!
Tungfai, you must be happy to finally have a slab down. Don't worry too much about the holes. The engineer will have to sign off on the slab…

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8 years8 yearscatalina_16catalina_16 posted:
Our Summit Homes Build in Secret Harbour WA

No I recently discovered homeone and benefits of sharing ideas and experiences of home building. Happy to give you some tips based on my experience. PM your questions

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8 years8 yearscatalina_16catalina_16 posted:
Our Summit Homes Build in Secret Harbour WA

Hi! we've recently built with Summit and the build has gone really well. I would suggest putting a clear glass door in your main ensuite where it opens up to…

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8 years8 yearsMec06Mec06 posted:
Our Summit Homes Build in Secret Harbour WA

I lovvveeeee your floor plan! ?? If we had the room for a single story that would be my ideal plan, the master is perfect!
I just checked out your…

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