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Joined 24 September 2009
Gold Member
12 years12 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
first home buy dont understand..should we walk away

Touch, just adding to my reply :)
Restrictive Covenants usually have an expiry date, so the one on that property may have already expired (check the document).…

12 years12 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
first home buy dont understand..should we walk away

touch, easements are very common and usually won't affect you in any way. It usually has something to do with water corp (ie. sewerage pipework running down the back length…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

We had to get Jason's out to fix the seals in the front awning windows again last week, for the second time.
Bed 2 has a large window with awnings…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
"We buy houses" - Scam or legit?

Following on from the above discussion, an update for you.
I would strongly suggest anyone looking into these schemes think very carefully about it!
http://www.perthnow.com.au/business/cou ... 6377467813

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Building multiple houses on a block (WA)

My advice would be to go to the council (physically go in, don't just ring or email) and ask to speak to someone in Planning. Tell them of your intentions…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Using different realestate agent

Not sure where you are, but in WA the norm would be:
1. Yes, you can contact the Listing Agent. It is their (exclusive) listing. Although now that your preferred rep…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
First time builder with DAH - Hopefully this is the end

I have my fingers firmly crossed for you, Althom, however, I won't be holding my breath for fear of turning blue ;)
I hope it all goes…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

I wish Jemima was around when our build was happening!
I still don't understand why it has to get to this stage though; why do people need to say something…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

Look at that, Mr Fancy Pants! P1T, that looks awesome! Love it :)
We finally found some time on Good Friday to lay step-paving down the…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

Mocha, Bagheera has covered my list, as we had some of the same issues. First and foremost, I would say HIRE AN INDEPENDENT BUILDING INSPECTOR!!!
We had issues with both of…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey

i've been meaning to ask Bagheera and P1T how the paint on their alfresco beams are going. The two beams forming the rake have started bubbling and flaking.
When we…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
"We buy houses" - Scam or legit?

travelbug, re the 'rent to buy' thing, here's a link to a media release issued by Dpt of Commerce WA last year.
http://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/Corporate ... '_pro.html
and here's…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
"We buy houses" - Scam or legit?

I'll see if I can find the media release from DoC, travelbug.

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
4th week on market

Cuppa, if the front has been prettied up, why hasn't your rep taken new photos to use? :\
I agree with the others, the front looks really bare and not too…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
To sell or not to sell in Quinns Rocks

Trish, you're right in saying prices have dropped but it's not right to say they're "undervalued". The boom saw prices increase dramatically which led to properties being "overvalued". We've gone…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
"We buy houses" - Scam or legit?

travelbug, some of them are certainly being seen as 'scams'.
They prey on those who need to sell fast to avoid repossession and such. Some then go on to sell it…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey

If the neighbour won't control their tree and keep it within their boundary, maybe you should contact your local council and see what can be done.

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
FRANKENSTEIN - My building journey

Not sure where to get standard roses at a good price. Maybe ask in the gardening forum?
Where you going to put them?
As for the branch hanging over the fence, you…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Private Estate Advantages

"Private Estate" in the West is completely different to that in the East, I would think. We don't have 'gated communities' here in Perth, unless it's a prison and they're…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Private Estate Advantages

JJ's and zircon are right. We are in a "Private Estate". Our street and a couple of others are within an already developed estate in Yangebup. "Private Estate" means no…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

abstar, I asked the moderators to remove my building thread. Our build was an eye-opener for us, too :lol: Never again. Never!
It's probably up…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Office Chair on carpet

We use the plastic mats that gizmoe has posted about.
You can buy the mats from Officeworks.. prices vary depending on the quality, and you can get ones for low, medium…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

All sounding good, aquanoob.
Can I offer a little suggestion though?
May I suggest that you not name staff... if things turn bad, you don't want to run the risk of…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
First time builder with DAH - Hopefully this is the end

It's a pity the money trees don't grow as fast as weeds do ;)

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
First time builder with DAH - Hopefully this is the end

Nice office, Althom!
Our office was a fifth bedroom on the plans, so we took part of the walls out as per the Nautilus display, and changed the BIR from…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

Welcome, abstar :)
As my signature states, we built the Oceanic with some Nautilus upgrades being the ensuite, raked ceiling to dining and alfresco and have holes…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

Wow, everyone seems to be leaving Perth! We have taken on a few rental managements in the past couple of months where our clients have been transferred to Saudi Arabia,…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

P1T, good to hear they've helped fix the fridge space problem! Nice that they have done it, although I suspect they could save 100's of 1000's of dollars per year…

13 years13 yearsOceanus2Oceanus2 posted:
Anyone building with Dale Alcock or recently built

Duke, when was your 6mth stuff done? Are you still waiting on things to be finished?
I wonder how poor koolsville is getting on :(

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24 September 2009

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