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Joined 16 June 2013
Bronze Member
9 years9 yearsPantonePantone posted:
Help with Crepe Myrtle

Help please!
In June this year we planted 4 advanced Crepe Myrtle trees (Indian Summer Sioux variety) in our front yard. In spring they had buds and then sprouted leaves. Since…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Woohoo congrats Nat and Dan!!
Lot927- your fireplace looks amazing. I really wish we had one right now! Shutters look awesome too!
I'm kicking myself for not noticing the stone bench in…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

I'm hoping someone here can help me. I'm filling out our maintenance paperwork as our maintenance period is about to expire and I'm wondering if these two things are normal…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

It all looks so good cwiseman! I love your lovely big laundry and shiny beautiful tiles!!

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Colours look awesome Ganilton!

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

OMG cwiseman :shock: I hope they fix that for you!!

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Looking gorgeous Divine Home!

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Looking great J and A!

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Thank you safaa81 :)
The render colour is the Colorbond colour 'Basalt' and the door colour is also a Colorbond colour - 'Surfmist' :)

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

I didn't question it at the time but now I look at it mine is higher up too! I think because of the vertical glass I didn't notice.
I hope…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Here's mine

McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread
10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

For those who may be interested. This is the metallic grey colour of the complimentary glass sign that you can order at the end of the build. Now to…

McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread
10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
Anybody building at Googong ?

Woohoo! Congratulations! We emailed the community facilitator - Samantha.Remmers@googong.net and let her know we just moved in so if you do the same I'm sure you'll…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
Anybody building at Googong ?

We just got our Googong welcome pack delivered and it's a picnic set! I'm so stoked because I was going to buy one when we moved here! :D

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
Anybody building at Googong ?

Sweet. Thanks for that!

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
Anybody building at Googong ?

Quick question. Is today green waste bin day? :)

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
Anybody building at Googong ?

We hit rock too and had approx 6.5k extra to pay to get it removed. I hope you don't get stung with too much

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
Anybody building at Googong ?

It's so nice to finally be in and be a Googonian at last! Although dying to get into the landscaping and get some window coverings as we've only got sheets…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Here's my semi frameless with door open and closed

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Sweet! Thanks for that! :-)

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
Anybody building at Googong ?

Hi everyone!
Is it our responsibility to do up the nature strip in front of our lot after finishing building? If so are there rules on it like it has…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Looking awesome Creedy! Not long now!
Quick question. Im assuming with the TV aerial points that they put in, are they are all wired up and you just have to get…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

I found this pic on Google images if it helps :)

McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread
10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi thewhitehouse, They're a complementary glass sign from MJH for the front of your house that you will get a voucher for at handover. You can pick whatever you…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

For those who have finished their build and ordered their glass sign - has anyone got theirs in the 'Metallic Grey' background ? Can you please post a picture? I…

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Thanks Daz! My splashback isn't mirror, it's just black glass but it reflects a lot of light from the windows :)

10 years10 yearsPantonePantone posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Lot927 I'm so sad for you that your handover experience was so awful. That SS should not be doing that job if that's the way he's going to treat customers.…

McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

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