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Joined 1 June 2015
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2 years2 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Furnishing a Lorikeet design home by Eagle Homes

Build and handover occurred quite some time ago.
Let me put it this way to you ..... I would rather build a mud hut myself then ever build with Eagle Homes…

3 years3 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Furnishing a Lorikeet design home by Eagle Homes

Is there anyone who built the Lorikeet design house by Eagle Homes?
I was hoping to get ideas on how you furnished the house and what style you chose. Would be…

7 years7 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Hi, could I please get some recommendations for timber side gates?

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Has anyone put up timber side gates?

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Can anyone suggest a good electrician to install those 3-in1 bathroom lights?

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Does anyone know someone that builds timber side gates? I'm looking for the cheapest option available. Thanks

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

If there is about 5cm between the boundary line and their building I wouldn't be too worried. If they are erecting the fences it must go on the boundary line,…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

I don't have my keys. They still need to fix things including those I picked up during the first inspection. 10 weeks and counting is ridiculous in my opinion.

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Had my first walk through 10 weeks ago and my final inspection last week. Would you say the rectification works have taken too long? If so, what avenues are available…

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

What's the cheapest quote someone has had to install timber side gates (about 1m wide each side)?

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Yeah just call the SS and say you had no issue with them using it on that particular day but wasn't aware it was to be used on an ongoing…

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Was it made clear that the power use would be for a one off job or a day or two at the most? Or you didn’t clarify a timeframe?
If it…

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

The developer has told me they are not paying for half the fence after I issued a letter to them. As legal owners of the vacant block is it worthwhile…

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

suggests that because it's a new build then the neighbour has to pay for half. I'm almost certain this is not the case. The block next to me hasn't been…

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

My builder has to redo the brick window sills. While removing the old bricks they have taken off bits of rubber from that strip that runs between the window and…

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Hi Ashooty, do you know someone that you can recommend?

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Has anyone purchased a house and land package from Eagle Homes and had to foot the bill for removing excess soil from site?

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Has anyone used an independent inspector for PCI that they can recommend?

8 years8 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Does anyone need fill (soil)???

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

I was wondering where my boundary line is at back of my property. Is the actual boundary line on one side or the other of the survey peg? Or is…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Not sure what stage as it was a house and land package. Id need to check what the lot number is and get back to you. Isn't it a standard…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

I hope this makes sense ..... my property backs onto an Oran Park built retaining wall. However it's the house behind me that has the wall and little strip of…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

GSP07R yes i have contacted the Council, that's how I know the land hasn't been sold as yet. Thanks Sudu, I have looked at the website but can't find a…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

That's right, no neighbour and I pay for the entire fence myself as construction will be finished in a few weeks. Bugger so I shouldn't run the risk in case…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

The block next door to me is vacant and yet to be sold. If I pay for the fence, are the people who eventually buy the land legally obligated to…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Should I make an issue of this?

I don't think i should have to pay for a variation as i have evidence that I asked to be consulted but was never contacted. If he said the contractor…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Should I make an issue of this?

Those locations aren't marked on the plans. I did ask about that when signing the paperwork and they said it's something I can discuss with my site supervisor when the…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Should I make an issue of this?

I was wondering if I should make an issue of this…. I contacted my site supervisor numerous times and asked to have an input on the ducted vacuum outlet locations.…

9 years9 yearsposeidenposeiden posted:
Search issues

Hi, how do I search a key word within a particular thread?

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