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Joined 3 February 2020
Junior Member
1 year1 yearReneeNReneeN posted:
Boundary surveys - rural

Hi, I am beginning to question the boundary fence on our rural property. We received a land access request which shows a piece of infrastructure as sitting on our land…

4 years4 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

And as far as payment etc - we went back to the draftsperson and told her we were really unhappy with the engineer as when we looked back over the…

4 years4 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Hi stewie, we got a second opinion from another engineer who toned it right back, we ended up doing it as a waffle pod but still needed to do all…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Thank you that is good advice I will start there :)

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Hi again can I ask another question - so we have spoken to the original engineer and asked if we can discuss changes and he won’t budge, he said he…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Thank you. Yes I do understand that and certainly not just taking advice from the builder - we did get it engineered and will go with the engineer advice ultimately…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

So got a second opinion today and they suggested they would do it as a waffle pod still with some piers and a 650 edge beam. Thoughts? Said it would…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Thanks guys - I don’t suppose you can recommend any companies I could contact? Or roughly how much a second opinion usually costs?

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Thank you so so much I will take a look at those resources! :)

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

I’m not entirely sure, would that be something done from a surveyor? We didn’t get that done it wasn’t indicated as needed. I can attach a photo of the building…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

These are the drawings from the engineer

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Cavity brick around the outside/external basically and then the internal walls will be built with steel frame. Does that make sense?

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Hope these work? Should be pictures of the geotech report

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Thanks Alex :) yes I will share the geotech on here. Is a site survey something different from the geotech? If so we didn’t have that…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

I didn’t want to put the drawings up as I don’t want to run the engineer under the bus if it is legit how it needs to be I just…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Thanks - well the builder is not associated with the engineer both designer and engineer are independent of the builder and the builder is the one who said it’s ridiculous.…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

This has been engineered - the engineering drawings is what I am referring to - they seem to be overkill and I don’t really get your LOL and what the…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

It does not explicitly describe, but the only thing they have ticked is ‘existing fill’. Which it is a cut and fill pad.

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Hi we had a geotech report which says
Site P
Soil M
Wind N1

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Slab engineering for double brick home

Can anyone offer some advice - we are building a double brick exterior home with steel frame internal, we have got engineering drawings back and they are what I think…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

Thank you so much :)

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

I am in NSW and we haven't actually paid anything yet however from my review of the contract I would expect we are about $3000 deep as we have plans…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

Your assessment from outside looking in would be spot on. But all of the pre start service agreements I was given all included outlined work and prices and a contract…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

Either do I? It seems as though all drafters around me expect contract signed and payment in stages and we were asked to sign agreement to this before seeing first…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

Yes we were sucked in and yes t's not good and it is causing a lot of stress and a lot of money on designers fees which I doubt we…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

Thanks Chris you are a wealth of knowledge. Our designer says she has an engineer but I expect them to be just as hopeless if they work together regularly!! I…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

Thanks amielka those are my thoughts exactly! And this is the line of thinking and explanation from our builder and brickies. I just don't know how to progress without losing…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

Thanks Chris I will look at those standards. Sorry for the lack of info this is all new to me and sadly this designer was recommended to us and yes…

5 years5 yearsReneeNReneeN posted:
Difficult draftsperson advice needed

Hi all, we are in a sticky situation with our draftsperson. We are building a cavity brick home and after 4 rounds of design the drafter admits they have never…

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