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Joined 14 March 2011
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9 years9 yearsRichARichA posted:
Which white to paint the exterior rendered part of my facade

I scored a free 1 hour appointment with a colour designer through the dulux website. They recommended the following colours:
White part of facade - Vanilla Quake Half or Palace Stone

9 years9 yearsRichARichA posted:
Which white to paint the exterior rendered part of my facade

You are a champ! Thanks so much for the advice. I'll try my luck at the trade centre.

9 years9 yearsRichARichA posted:
Which white to paint the exterior rendered part of my facade

thanks for your reply. I guess its not render, but some kind of texture coating where the colour is mixed in. Its now trapping dirt as its quite porous and…

9 years9 yearsRichARichA posted:
Which white to paint the exterior rendered part of my facade

Hi. Please help me choose a white colour to paint the acrylic rendered parts of our facade. The render wasn't sealed and is in need of a new paint job.…

Which white to paint the exterior rendered part of my facade
11 years11 yearsRichARichA posted:
Our expanding bamboo floor

Hi guys. Just thought id share what happened to our black bamboo floors over the past year. We had them installed in a west facing room (which gets the most…

11 years11 yearsRichARichA posted:
Tiling question, what to do with this gap?

Hi. I'm diy tiling my brick stairs atm. There is a 1cm gap between the two brick walls...see pic. What should i do here...use a tile edge to cover gap…

11 years11 yearsRichARichA posted:
DIY costs and complexity for Pebble Path?

Our was done this way...paver's on concrete pad, compacted crushed rock around it, then weed mat on the compacted base, then white cowra pebbles over the weed mat. Never had…

11 years11 yearsRichARichA posted:
DIY costs and complexity for Pebble Path?

thanks mate. I'll give it a go. They sell the paver for $3.50 each so no problem.

11 years11 yearsRichARichA posted:
DIY costs and complexity for Pebble Path?

Hi Guys. We have this type of paving in our current house. Unfortunately a couple of them have sunk in about 4 cm. They are still "stuck" to the cement…

11 years11 yearsRichARichA posted:
What can I do with this stormwater pit?

Yep, im sure its a stormwater pit. I also have a sewer pit which was raised by sydney water for free last week.
I had a plumber come out and…

What can I do with this stormwater pit?
12 years12 yearsRichARichA posted:
What can I do with this stormwater pit?

I've confirmed there is a 600mm riser available for my pit. Unfortunately it weighs around 400kg (according to Reece). Looks like I'll be retaining around the pit.

12 years12 yearsRichARichA posted:
What can I do with this stormwater pit?

where did you get the pre fab concrete from?

12 years12 yearsRichARichA posted:
What can I do with this stormwater pit?

Looks like more of a job for a brickie. Looks like i need to make a few enquiries.

12 years12 yearsRichARichA posted:
What can I do with this stormwater pit?

Hi. We have a stormwater pit at the back corner of our property. I would like to raise it to the same height of the existing retaining wall (about 500mm).…

What can I do with this stormwater pit?
12 years12 yearsRichARichA posted:
Tiling a Pond / Water Feature - Help please

Hi. I have 200x80x20cm concrete pond / water feature. It had a leak so i sealed it with Crommelin Blackseal (a waterborne bitumen emulsion). As the pond is ornamental, i…

12 years12 yearsRichARichA posted:
Stale listing.... 12 weeks and counting

Sorry to hear. What a rollercoaster. Is the property a difficult lend or are the buyers the issue?

12 years12 yearsRichARichA posted:
Stale listing.... 12 weeks and counting

Congrats!! :z:
Hope it all goes well from here.

13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Help me decide wall colour foe formal loung and dining

Here are some pics of the room..

13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Help me decide wall colour foe formal loung and dining

looks fantastic. I'll upload a pic of what the room looks like now with the limed white 1/2 walls. Then have a play on the dulux website. I could definitely…

13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Help me decide wall colour foe formal loung and dining

Thats a photo of our old house where the furniture matched the paint qiut well. The leather isnt as white as the photo...the couch is ivory and the chairs are…

13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Help me decide wall colour foe formal loung and dining

Im warming up to the idea of using a darker colour for the wall. Any suggestions that will go with the furniture? This is a pic of our furniture in…

Help me decide wall colour foe formal loung and dining
13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Help me decide wall colour foe formal loung and dining

Hi Guys. We just moved into our new place and cant decide on a colour for the formal lounge and dining. The room is about 30sqm, rectangular and has a…

Help me decide wall colour foe formal loung and dining
13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Advice Needed : Sewer Manhole and stormwater in backyard

Ok. So as long as sydney water agree to raise the manhole then we can retain and fill up to the level of the manhole and hopefully have a more…

13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Advice Needed : Sewer Manhole and stormwater in backyard

Hi. We bought a place that has a sewer manhole and stormwater easment (along back fence) in back yard. See attached pic, The red line is a timber retaining wall…

Advice Needed : Sewer Manhole and stormwater in backyard
13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Removalist recommendations Quakers Hill to Stanhope Gardens

Hi. Moving in 3 weeks and looking for a decent reasonably priced removalist. Were thinking of using Abrona Removals but thats based on 3 revies in trulocal...any other recommendations?

13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Stale listing.... 12 weeks and counting

thats tough...any offers made on the property? Do you have a deadline you need to sell by? Have you considered alternatives like renting it out until market conditions improve..or…

13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Settlement on same day for new and old place, moving nightma

Hi. We will be moving in 3 weeks. Initially, we had same day settlement for purchase and sale but after reading up on what can go wrong and also the…

13 years13 yearsRichARichA posted:
Stale listing.... 12 weeks and counting

We have officially sold after being on the market for 4 months. Lots of low bids throughout the campaign and a lot of no shows at the open inspections. It…

Joined homeone
14 March 2011

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