6 years6 yearsalexp79 posted:
Temporary Fencing - Hire or buy?
Temporary Fencing - Hire or buy?
If you have a ute, you can buy by parts from the Gumtree and then sell there for almost for the same price after your build. It will be times…
7 years7 yearsddarroch posted:
Neighbour “reno” knocked down - now a Newbuild?
Neighbour “reno” knocked down - now a Newbuild?
Fück this mobile website sucks! Not for the first time the auto refresh had wiped my long-winded post.
So I'll just say, that I've seen quite a few similar builds here.…
7 years7 yearssparrowsnest posted:
Changing locks necessary?
Changing locks necessary?
How it worked when I worked for a builder years ago was - The locks will be openable by the builders master key during the build but as soon as…