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307 Posts
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Melbourne, Vic
Joined 13 October 2009
Silver Member
13 years13 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Google Chrome

Pressing CTRL + F5 in most browsers should refresh the page from the server, bypassing cache.

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
3D Plasma / LED / LCD / Projector - Is it for you

I think its great on games, maybe its because you concentrate more on games and you're there for the gimmick :). But some movies are just…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
how big is your elec bill? (those with gas heating) Melb

I'd be kinda surprised to hear if a PC or laptop is adding much to your bills anyway. Most of your computers will go to 'sleep' so they'll use squat…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Who installs rangehood ? plumber or electrician ??

AFAIK anyone can install a rangehood now that you already have the powerpoint there. In my case it was the electrician during the build but when I replaced it under…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Ducted air conditioning in Flat roofs ?

I have a flat roof double story but half of it has a higher pitch skillion style roof. That's often the solution used to get heating/cooling units in the roof.…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Heya HalCal, I'm interested in your fridge as well :) Did you have a deeper cavity/recess for the fridge space or is it just the same…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Outdoor Fire Pit. Anyone have one of these?

Considered a smaller gelatine fire pit or wooden one? You can get some impressive ones and will be easier to move as not require a hard line. And eventually if…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Yer i know,another "Girlie Question" please help/explain!

Just remember the cost of blinds/curtains! Hah, I know its stupidly off topic but I didn't really factor it in and its a bit of a kick in the *cough…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Yer i know,another "Girlie Question" please help/explain!

Sorry about that Kerry-anne. Pugs has a good point with running conduit if you're stretched on budget as thats handy for lots of things in general. My point was simply…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Yer i know,another "Girlie Question" please help/explain!

Wow, reasonably sized home in general? Yikes, assumptions or maybe just a dig?
Put simply, the only thing you can't do over wireless is transfer blu-ray quality video and most…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Question for Michelle, or anyone Measuring for Blinds/Drapes

Hah, you're really itching to get stuff in :) Wait till your plaster and architraves are up. It only takes less than month (like 2-3 weeks?)…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Bedspreads - where to buy?

Anyone know any decent sites from the states? I'm itching to use the AUD some more =D

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Yer i know,another "Girlie Question" please help/explain!

Kerry-ann, don't get too fussed about data cables. If its gonna cost you an uncomfortable amount, its not worth it because anything you can't live without is available in wireless.…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Yer i know,another "Girlie Question" please help/explain!

It just looks like they've broken up what is normally standard in a house.
As pugs said, the Velocity package is for Fibre to the home, so its your internet, phone…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Polystyrene foam

How about foam cladding? It's the stuff they're cladding houses in these days prior to rendering. Comes in big sheets about 70mm thick and can be had from a number…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Data Cabling and You

Ohh I can see this thread going feral again... :P
Put simply, no one likes the idea of having to pay someone for data cabling as if…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:

Retrofitting an alarm into a double story, hence the wireless requirement.

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Discounted tapware???

Well, I was worried at first because they were that much cheaper than the places with bigger showrooms but everything has worked out. They were pretty great to deal with…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Data Cabling and You

Haha I used to be the same. In fact I had a bulky iRiver originally because of all the extra functionality it had. But as you get older/busier, you end…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Data Cabling and You

They're *virtually* useless, but not completely :P
The problem I have with netbooks is that because they're often running a proper OS I tend to over extend…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Data Cabling and You

Bizarro land!
I'm pretty anti-Apple fanboy but if the iPad were a bit cheaper or a little more equipped like a laptop, I'd get one. They're very shiny =D
I'm still waiting…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
1.5mm vs 3mm grout joint when tiling

If it's on a slab, ll you be getting it screeded first?

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Data Cabling and You

I'm really enjoying this discussion!
I think the idea behind the Wii being wireless is probably to make sure it hits mass market appeal as being something easy to use for…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
New house built - renting a room out, but what to charge?

That sounds pretty fair.
If your place is a 3 bedder, I would charge them just over a third of what a nice 3 bedder would rent out in your area.…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:

Heya, I know this thread is about your remote but I figure I'd use the subject :)
Anyone have any info/informal review of the Ness R16?

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Data Cabling and You

We're a lot further than a few years time before a washing machine needs to be online for anything practical. You're describing a delay timer to start your load which…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Data Cabling and You

Laundry points?
I went the whole hog and whilst I don't regret it because its there, I haven't used any of the points outside the study and TV areas.

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Can a neighbour stop the installation of a front side fence?

Same rule with my estate regarding how far you can fence. It's funny, on one side (opposite the drive way side) I'd like to extend all the way to the…

14 years14 yearsSheepdogSheepdog posted:
Alfresco Flooring Ideas

You'll be happy you have a step down if you get some serious rain happening. I went tiled also, I have exposed aggregate around the alfresco so it blends quite…

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