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Slab Heave Recipient
205 Posts
Slab Heave Recipient
205 Posts
Bronze Member


Slab Heave Recipient

Joined 16 May 2013
Bronze Member
8 years8 yearsFirstHomeBuyer88FirstHomeBuyer88 posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

After looking at Soils reports and Final engineering document for slab I think now rather than improving their practices, they have started to put the conditions so that everything can…

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8 years8 yearsLilianaLiliana posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

You're neighbours cannot concrete with a slope that creates runoff for an adjoining property. If they have a good concreter (and you had better hope they do) the concreter…

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8 years8 yearsJokerJoker posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

We almost need in contracts that within tolerances won't be accepted if workmanship is not up to display quality, in reality almost no volume builder has intentions or ability to…

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8 years8 yearsinsiderinsider posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

Your friends may have had a cut and fill as part of the earthworks done at the subdivision stage by the developer and your cut and fill will be done…

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8 years8 yearsinsiderinsider posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

I agree if you spent enough money you can make slabs have no issues but the problem is that the majority of theses
slabs wouldn't have problems if things were…

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8 years8 yearsinsiderinsider posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

FirstHome Buyers88
You are in a high risk area and built during a high risk time for slab heave but still your chances of
having slab heave are still low.
If you have…

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9 years9 yearsgoody59goody59 posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

I thought it was time to revisit this thread. If you are building on reactive soils spend some time and read ALL of this thread. It just may save…

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9 years9 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

Just getting back to slab heave, what I am seeing even today are human failings and glaring lack of enforcement of regulations and standards. I regularly see lack of proper…

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9 years9 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

Spot on! You cannot have technical solution to what are essentially human failings.
We all know we should not sign a building contract without reading and understanding but it happens all…

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9 years9 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

This is one point that is am relying on the builder's experience of such situations. The builder has insisted that this is a cracked pipe issue coupled with the truss…

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9 years9 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

Very instructive article from Adam M
If you were ill and the diagnosis was bleak you would be wanting a second opinion right? So why not when you have serious problem…

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9 years9 yearsCrazykCrazyk posted:
Data/Phone line

I hope you have photos.
Get some drains in temporarily if water mounts up that bad

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9 years9 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

I am an advocate of insurance scheme where dwellings that cannot be fixed and brought to original tolerances are declared a writeoff and bought by the insurer at fair market…

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9 years9 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

I fully agree with you, As a young QS on my second job I joined Vic public service and was told on my first day not to take bills of…

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9 years9 yearsqebtelqebtel posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

Dont make me laugh!
You might like to tell that to the hundreds of people who have been to QCAT chasing builders to rectify their mistakes who are well out of…

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9 years9 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

You could write a comedy about it if it wasn't so tragic.
Building Commission that was in charge of building control considered building industry a stakeholder even wining and dining them.

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9 years9 yearsStewie DStewie D posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

NSW seems pretty much the same as Vic in my experience. The Dept of Fair Trading is pretty much a toothless tiger and the same licensed tradesmen seem to get…

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9 years9 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

It's all pretty simple really. The problem is either a design fault or a construction fault. Working out if something is a design fault is easy enough to do in…

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9 years9 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

Thanks insider.
I have seen dished slabs and you have now confirmed that elastic deflection has transitioned into creep and with no known remedy.
Your at the coal face experience is invaluable.…

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9 years9 yearsm1ghtybobm1ghtybob posted:
Slabs/Footings and landscaping - Who's responsible?

Thanks for the reply. We ended up getting an independent assessor in to write up a detailed report on our property. There is slab movement but that is…

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