Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Sorry for the long silence I've had my life turned upside down during the last 4 weeks

Our small build (NOR WA) - two years down
I finally looked under my bench and we have writing too.
Sorry to hear about the retaining wall. Some of the mobs that build retaining walls may be able recommend…

Leanne's Baldivis Build - Deck Area Update
Looking great Leanne It's so nice to see that your brickies have made good progress despite the terrible weather and great that…

custom adenbrook home north coast NSW moving in
Wow, wow, wow rocky you house is looking fantastic!!!!!!!!

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Cheers Leanne, oncewerefurriers, fancy pants & Tracy Words cannot express how pleased I am with them! I met with a couple of…

G3mmill Custom Build in Kalamunda, Perth-Curtain pics
Oooh your floors look lovely I just love your kitchen pendants too, I know I've said that before but everytime I see them…

Rex's Redink build - LANDSCAPING
Woohoo, there'll be nothing holding it back once the roof goes on
The portico looks great …

Building with Aveling in Byford - Study Nook Design

Dale Alcock in the Perth Hills...a few more pics...
Congratulations on lock up
Oh I hope you haven't got the same painter I had - I've heard some tradies work for lots…

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Thanks everyone Are you ready for some more pics
Stupid question

Our small build (NOR WA) - two years down
Ooh I love your couch
I tried to get into my laundry today to look at the underside of the bench but the…

Redink Homes - NOR - xxkatxx's build - what type of render?
Woohoo for windows
Lockup is just around the corner!
It gets a bit…

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Thanks everyone I am so pleased with them I had to fight the urge to burst in and slide around in my socks like…

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Time for floor pics... they are crappy iphone pics in bad light and don't do the floors justice at all but I am soooooooooo sooooooooo sooooooooo soooooooo in love with…

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Thanks Darcy Please don't let my tread scare you. Overall we are happy with the quality of the build and know that the…

Our small build (NOR WA) - two years down
Glad to hear PCI went well
Our garage door is Jarrah and it does look darker than yours does in the pic…

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Our stone is Absolute Stone. I'll have a look next time I'm at the house to see if there's any print underneath it.

G3mmill Custom Build in Kalamunda, Perth-Curtain pics
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this I hope it can be sorted out quickly and without too much extra cost to…

G3mmill Custom Build in Kalamunda, Perth-Curtain pics
Maybe that's why there is a delay - flicking the switch turns the power point on, then the lights are turned on
It's 2.7m…

G3mmill Custom Build in Kalamunda, Perth-Curtain pics
The lights look great Sorry to hear you are not happy with the electrician - it's so disappointing when you pay someone to…

Dale Alcock in the Perth Hills...a few more pics...
I personally prefer single handles because I find it a pain to have to use two hands to open drawers. This might not be an issue with fancy new drawers…

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
My lights arrived the day after my sparky disappeared for 8 days My ever reliable sparky, who arrived home on Wednesday then decided…

Rex's Redink build - LANDSCAPING
It shouldn't make any difference if it's rendered or not. This is a pic of one of the Goodlife display homes with the piers bricked up in face brick.
Are you…

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Yep - that is one of the main reasons we decided to go with them. It is a small husband and wife business where the wife is in the showroom…

Aveling in Mandurah - anyone still out there?
Ooh everything looks so nice Your kitchen looks fancy like a display home
I'm glad to…

Our small build (NOR WA) - two years down
Paving looks great Only more sleeps till PCI

G3mmill Custom Build in Kalamunda, Perth-Curtain pics
Woohoo for lights
Yes, don't forget the pics!

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Thanks fmac

Custom Gemmill home in Bedfordale - OMG I love our floors!!
Oh and we also need lights before we can move in - while the lamps are great for mood lighting, they are starting to get on my nerves