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Joined 10 May 2019
Junior Member
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Garage paint

I am glad that it now turned out similar to the one I made in ivisualizer

Garage paint
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Garage paint

I’m glad I did not change the garage colour. It wasn’t so bad afterall.

Garage paint
  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Help choose color concept for lounge and dining

Modern minimalist

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
List of saving tips when building a new home

In my experience, it is cost saving to have your master plan thoroughly done and research about your selections. There are a lot of small things that I could…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Best sun block out blinds

I’m not sure about brands but we got our blinds from Solomon’s blinds. Ours is a dual roller blind so we have both sunblock and blockout blinds.
The sunblock blind…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Help: Couch too small?

It will depend on how you will arrange your furnitures and other additional furnitures you will have there.
The basic thing I know is if you will get a rug,…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Brick colour help please!

No problem. I have a chocolate brown house myself haha.

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Brick colour help please!

Maybe you wanna check out Austral bricks Latte if light chocolatey color is what you’re looking for?

Not my picture but that will give you an idea what it looks in…

Brick colour help please!
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Help choose color concept for lounge and dining

Can someone give suggestions for furniture color particularly dining table, chairs and barstool?
I have something in my mind but I have doubt on both selectionsz
My first option is to…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Cash or better kitchen appliances for new build

If it’s me I’ll pick the cash only because I prefer choosing my own upgrades and brands. I don’t mind not having a very fancy appliances when I…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Help needed to redecorate my holiday house loungeroom!

Or much better a c shaped sofa

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Help needed to redecorate my holiday house loungeroom!

I don’t know how big your lounge is but you can try this arrangement

Hang the tv, buy some corner sofa, lose the book shelves and the round side table

Help needed to redecorate my holiday house loungeroom!
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
What's your opinion on DARK vs LIGHT roofs

I see. I guess, it’s a good thing that despite us having dark roofs, we are surrounded by greeneries and a lot of our neighbouring houses have light coloured roofs.…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
What's your opinion on DARK vs LIGHT roofs

In my opinion most people choose dark because they simply fancy the color. I like a dark roof but I nearly considered having a white roof because of the same…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Garage paint

That’s cool because our driveway will be an exposed aggregate. Thanks!

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Garage paint

Thank you. It has grown on me since I last posted here.

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Alternatives to decreasing window size

Add internal wall insulation maybe?

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Colorbond roof colour schemes

What color roof do you really aim for? Do you want it a bit lighter grey or darker grey even in the sunlight?

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
White or black window frames

It depends on your exterior color scheme really

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Things not included in builders price

Depends on your builder. Our house price includes the standard floor and tiles allowance. They call it PCI items which means the price can change depending on your final selection…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Garage paint

But it’s a new door so it might be too much of a hassle to change it so quick. Yeah maybe I’ll wait for it. The paint will prolly fade…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Garage paint

Looking at our actual color house scheme, I have noticed that the garage looks too blah. I am thinking of repainting it the same color as the roof - Woodland…

Garage paint
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
New house building mistakes

If you have the money, hire someone who is a good staged building inspector.
When doing selections, thoroughly research about the stuff you wanted. Also when selections has been done,…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Home and contents insurance start

Thanks for the info Stewie.

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Home and contents insurance start

Hi, we are advised to have home and contents insurance before handover. However, we don't have the exact date of handover yet. All insurance companies I checked for quote…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Pre handover inspection

Hi, our pre handover inspection is booked. We are planning to hire our independent building inspector. In case, we find defects in our house, are we able to get the…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Gas cooktop to induction

I understand now. Thank you for the info. I wish ours would not be too complicated. I guess we have to prepare ourselves for a massive bill. Still better pay…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Gas cooktop to induction

I just realised yesterday that the lady in the selections have mistakenly written the ‘gas cooktop’ instead of the electric cooktop in the selections. Gas cooktop has never been an…

4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Gas cooktop to induction

I just realised yesterday that the lady in the selections have mistakenly written the ‘gas cooktop’ instead of the electric cooktop in the selections. Gas cooktop has never been an…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearssociangalsociangal posted:
Family room coffee table needed!

I might be too late but based from the color scheme I think a black coffee table would look good.

Joined homeone
10 May 2019

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