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Joined 7 July 2015
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9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

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HI Spronkly
Yes we have been advised that all is acheivable to be finialised by next Thursday.
There are 3 eave sheets that need to be replaced and i have said…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

We had our PCI this morning and apart from 2 possible major repairs all in all it was pretty good - mostly paint issues.
2 small marks on kitchen cupboard doors…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Pre-tiling inspection is as Cathy said to ensure tiles/grout is correct and as per your selections - ours was not so it is worth the inspection.
They may also check which…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
Country style home builders - Newcastle

We had a 3 metre fall on our land and built a split level with McDonald Jones Homes, we went through the Rutherford display office. We found that the Home…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Phil94
We doubled and then some our alfresco but we extended the roofline to match and it was $13k extra so doing just the slab section you should fall well…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

We pushed over $150K over base build price on our build - mind you we modified our house from 4 bed to a 6 bedroom house.
Selections were not too…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Met on site today for take 2 on tile selection thankfully they were correct so tiler is on site now.
Awesome surprise our kitchen bench tops were now installed.
House is progressing…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Merbau16
We are currently building with MJH. We have not had an major issues with them and any issues we have had we have been able to resolve with minimal…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Pshome
Best to make all changes structurally at tender stage and any big extras. Once you pay the deposit they will draw proper plans hence why they don't/wont allow changes.…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Shobnom
We went with Cool white and added dimmers to them, the Warm white throws a yellow light which we didn't like.
The cool white is more of a true light…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Linda_K
Bricks will start first then roof will follow straight after.
We are currently getting roof installed, they work pretty fast we have had no major delays with trades.

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

We have roof sheets going on today - was a nice surprise to see considering the rain we had last night.

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

That is great news :z:

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Our block was cut in about 14 working days. It is a very exciting period - hope it all goes smooth for you guys.

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

We did standard bayonet fittings to all bed rooms but had them brace for a fan to be installed later.
We also did std in media, bathrooms, linens, hallways, alfresco. We…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Mel
Yes the garage comes with a batten light and a std double power point (we have 2 lights in our garage FOC as they put one over the stairs).…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Our bricks have been on site for about 1.5 weeks and we have brickies on site today to start.
Probably best to check with your SS ours wanted to wait till…

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Our framework is now all complete - MJH are on site today installing windows :z:

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Our roof trusses, Garage and Alfresco beams are scheduled to be craned into place today :z:

9 years9 yearsSTAUBSSTAUBS posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Our slab was laid on Monday - Frames to be delivered Thursday :z:

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7 July 2015

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