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Perth WA
Joined 28 October 2017
Gold Member
6 years6 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Thanks Sethor, yes approx 15 mins after I turned the air con off the leak stopped. Summit have been great as have Ford and doonan. Waiting for an appointment time…

6 years6 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

I agree, it doesn’t. Unfortunately I’ve not got a ladder to get up into the roof and it’s probabky better I don’t. I wouldn’t know what I’m looking for!…

6 years6 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Just went into my front corridor to find this. The air con vent, has been on for a couple of hours this evening, is located in the same hallway. Since…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

What’s wrong with your driveway?!

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

The client liaison responded and said with the amount of rain we’ve had it’s normal to have some sand movement. Summit don’t compact the sand around the Soakwells to prevent…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Thanks Limit_Point, it’s at the point that if you step in some areas it sinks a good 10cm or so, maybe more. Injury worthy of the kids are running around…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Yes, summit installed them. I’ve emailed my client liaison for her direction on who to contact. Hopefully whatever it is, is a quick fix. Thanks!

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Hi all, does anyone have any advice or had issues with the sand sinking where their soakwell is? I’ve been noticing the sinkhole the last month or two and I’m…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters

I moved with a 5 month kitten. He was shaking initially but i got a feliway diffuser to help him settle in. Took probably 4 weeks for him to be…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Individual Design - New Choice Homes

Love the fitout. Will have to look into something like this once i have my backyard sorted i think!

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
HGWA Baldivis

Love how it has come together! Might also point out that bath water spout is genius! I need to find one like that I think, the one in my bath…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters

Congrats on PCI and having the cheque ready to go so quickly! I feel your pain in that PCI was a let down due to supplier issues. I hope that…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Thank you. I actually wanted just a standard colourbond gate but ended up with this one which I’m happy with. I had my security doors & gate installed by Beards…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters

It's looking good! I found any trades i was lining up post build i mentioned that i am building but the build should be done around x date they were…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Thanks J278, i won't say that it was a stress free event but it's done now. All that is left is front landscaping, back landscaping & i've decided i would…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Individual Design - New Choice Homes

I can see where you're coming from. I feel more relief that i am in my home rather than excitement. It's definitely a journey but the outcome makes it worthwhile.

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
HGWA Baldivis

Looks great. That finishing line is fast approaching, hope it goes well!

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7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Individual Design - New Choice Homes

It's all come together so well. Countdown to PCI is on, exciting!

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters

Sorry to hear they’re being a pain. I had about 4 weeks notice i think. I’d follow Vanessah’s advice as sometimes the sales consultants will give you more info, mine…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Thanks Choosy!
Went home today to find that Austral brick have delivered more bricks, looks like Summit are going to be pulling out my chipped bricks & replacing them. Happy…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Thanks fivespice. Summit didn’t do my gate, security doors, panels or lighting. They did do my paving however only the driveway, front porch and alfresco.
Glad to hear your PCI…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Thank you, it has been very busy but it’s worth it when it starts to come together

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

It’s been hectic! I’m ready for a holiday!
Thanks, beards security did the gate and security doors. I highly recommend them! Great service and range of options for the doors…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Picked up my keys on Friday afternoon! Since then the Lighting has been installed, solar panels are in, security doors and gates are on, plumbing/storm water pipes have been capped,…

  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters

I would be! You’re paying extra money for these things to be checked so they can be rectified before it is too late. Perhaps if they can’t fix it maybe…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters

I really hope things get better after all these issues you’re having

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
First Build with Summit Perth WA

Yep, very lucky. As it is council land i don't see why it couldn't be done early anyway. If it was something that directly impacts the build i can see…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters

Oh gosh, and it isn't a little bit out, its way out! I hope they can sort it for you?!

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Individual Design - New Choice Homes

oh bugger! What about a giant heater? hahaha. I'm sure the wait will be worth it. My pavers were done today so i am sure no matter what the weather…

7 years7 yearsSummitlovinSummitlovin posted:
Individual Design - New Choice Homes

tomorrow is looking good but if not, then monday hopefully they can get it done for you

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