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Joined 1 August 2015
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2 years2 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Brivis ICE Add-On Cooling

how did you go? I am thinking of getting Brivis ICE add on.

6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Riverview 266 with Surfcoast facade

You can't legally withhold final payment for fixing things but what you can do is not accept the handover on the day of settlement if you think critical issues have…

6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Riverview 266 with Surfcoast facade

Most of them fixed yes. Some of them they gave reasons why they wouldn't fix.
New issues pop up every now and then which I hope to consolidate and inform them…

6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes

If one of the refill point is gone, it does not impact you overall because all the refill points connect to the same common system. Atleast this is my understanding…

6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes

Termite refill point is next to it but can be easily refilled and aircon concrete is not getting in its way. Looks good to me but I am no expert.

6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
A&L awning windows with very restricted opening

I hope it does not void the product warranty if something happens on a windy day. Need to check PDS if that is user adjustable.

6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes

Whom will you build with in future? I believe they all are the same.

6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes

Our carpets are the same, can feel the sharp metal when changing rooms and heaps of lumps which are caused when concrete installers don't do their job properly or when…

6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
A&L awning windows with very restricted opening

We have double glazed awning window from same company and builder and face same issues.
I have not hunted for any fix unfortunately.

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Riverview 266 with Surfcoast facade

Good progress for you guys.
Few tips from my own experience that may help with your build:
- You must formally email defects or issues you find along the way including photos…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Built on a corner block in Melbourne. Moved in pics

Thanks for your reply Charley

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven or Boutique

We built with Fairhaven homes last year and have been happy overall, admin can be a bit slow but overall prices are great and you get overall a good outcome.…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Built on a corner block in Melbourne. Moved in pics

hello Charley, your garden looks great. Have you done this yourself? I mean did you put the mulch around the perimeter of the fence? I am about to do mine…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Newbie looking for help with new home

as you already have some plans in mind, if you know exactly how much bigger you want to go with your bedroom and what wall you want to extend, then…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Cost to render

A lot of people take basic standard bricks from the builder that they like and then do the render to the whole house in the future when they have money…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Newbie looking for help with new home

As a rough guide, builders charge around $5k to $7k to make bedroom bigger by extending its dimensions. Lower end of the range is when extended dimensions are easily extended…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Building Marseille 25 with Boutique Homes

once your construction is complete and you are back in Oz, directly call your bank to say you want them to price match interest rate from another bank else you…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Building with Carlisle/ Base price increase

post it on social media maybe their facebook page and you should get noticed

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Let them know ASAP about the problem you found by visiting the site yourself. Don't worry about them thinking how did you manage to find this. Just let them know…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
colorbond roof costs

That does not sound right. It should be in the range of $10,000 to $15,000

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Building Queenscliff 416 with Fairhaven Homes

your house is amazing, are you not getting two tiles missing between the shower and window architrave in the ensuite?

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Building Clovelly 248 with Fairhaven homes in Katandra Rise

cant decide change your alias to decided now and good luck for the build

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Building inspectors Melbourne

I do not suggest getting build contract reviewed. You will find builders are not willing to amend it at all. They want to keep it as standard as possible.
Darbecca are…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
What has Beaumont charged you for coloured grout??

I agree with jasonwg. They need to be more transparent with their prices provided to builders or pressurize builders to be upfront of the prices for each tile. We were…

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Building Queenscliff 416 with Fairhaven Homes

it's really looking great in the new pics you posted. Very good choice of colours you selected.

8 years8 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes - Riverview

yes PCI is tentatively mid Sep and handover is end of Sep or first week of Oct at this stage

9 years9 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes - Riverview

few more photos

9 years9 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes - Riverview

Fixing stage

9 years9 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes - Riverview


Fairhaven Homes - Riverview
9 years9 yearssunrayssunrays posted:
Fairhaven Homes - Riverview


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