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Joined 5 March 2012
Gold Member
6 years6 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
KDR - Rawson Chifley 42 mark ii in Newcastle.

Hey! I wonder if your Greg is the same Greg we had 6 years ago.. we struggled to get anything done we’ll hrough him
However rest assured the end product was…

  ⋅  1
11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Hmm well another attempt at patching the roof today and it looks just as bad :( giving up I think

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

JTM I'd have to say I've noticed it in both floors... none more than the other :( its pretty much everywhere. The only room thats a…

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

glacier the cornice itself isn't actually breaking, only shifting so the like koroboo says, you get a crack in the paint/filler. It seems to have happened to most of our…

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

The last one from him was saying that if we couldn't have someone take the day to wait for painters on the one day they notified us of then we…

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Bahahaha that exactly what he did at our place!! I wonder if they realise they are paying a guy a full time wage to go around and look at people…

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

exactly JTM!!

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

with ours they actually started getting the plasterer to fix the cracks which seems pointless as the plaster will just crack again.. The painters used some different stuff.. The maintenance…

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Jen how has your maintenance been going? We have had a lot of cracking as well. Bassically every cornice in the house has cracked or at least one in every…

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

B&K there are so many things I wish we had noticed but some you just won't until you are in. Things like the oven rattled when in use, certain paint…

11 years11 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Hi guys!!
Hope all is well with everyone I've started trying to catch up but there are soooo many people on here now (not much time between my jobs and maintaining…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Ps if anyone knows a good building inspector in Newcastle/Maitland please pass it on :)

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Jen that is devastating!! I feel for you..
Sorry I've been quiet on here guys we have been so busy with weddings, work etc I have a close friend opening a…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Poor hubby is sick if sitting at home the whole week every time he is on R&R waiting for people that don't show

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Perhaps I should speak to Greg.. We still have a fair amount of maintenance

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Jen I know how you feel about the maintenance guy I've had an absolute gut full of his crap.. So many excuses! And he's come to look at the house…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Sounds like progress is still happening for you all just slowly in some cases? We are enjoying the house and are starting to get around to little things like wall…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

What has to be re-done in your bathrooms Tarsha????

Sorry for the no reply! seems i stopped getting the emails to say people had posted lol I was wondering why it…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

we have the standard 3 in one in the bathrooms and it works well for the Benham 33 ensuite.. We dont really have much of a steam issue even if…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

bugger... They were shocking with us it took so long over the phone and I ended up getting a fair few fees waived..

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

jen if you ask firmly they are able to half it sometimes.. push for it especially if you are a long term customer etc

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Quick update - after many follow up calls we have one of our jobs apparent;y getting done today (It will be 'apparently' until they actually show up lol they have…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

My walls are also martini :) I love it

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

I wish we had had the luxury to do that.. :)

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Just a quick tip guys make sure all of your PCI items are completed before handover as I've been told to put items on the maintenance list that were on…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Our bubble wrap stayed until PCI but that may have been because our cleaner was too lazy to take it off.. I was glad because the tradies all used our…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Rawson Homes - the adventure begins

wow mrs bigted I thought our pantry was big! yours is huge!!!

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Ok so Pictures!
So the first ones are the good ones - the things that we are happy with and the general bits of the house

My Lovely shoe rack all filled…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Yea hopefully I can sit down today and write the letter. I was so ready to write a complement because I honestly believed the SS when he said it would…

12 years12 yearstarsha678tarsha678 posted:
Our Benham 33 journey

Argh my message isn't meant to be an attack either Jen sorry i re read it and it sounds that way a little sorry I just don't get how you…

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