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256 Posts
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Joined 18 February 2010
Silver Member
12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
vacant block, how to know who owns it to offer?

You could try to serch for the title of the block you are interested in through the land titles office. The owner's address is usually on the title. However, a…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

I'm glad to hear that it is mostly good. The rest sounds pretty normal. There seem to be always bits and pieces that go slightly wrong or are not fully…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

Congratulations on receiving the keys and getting through the building period. ::celeb:: ::celeb:: ::celeb::

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Building in SA - 2012/13

Red Jase and Gristy, I've sent you a PM with some information.

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Building in SA - 2012/13

Hi Red Jase and Gristy,
I've got some photos at home, so I'll try to send something to you tonight. Same with pricing as I don't have any of that information…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Building in SA - 2012/13

Here's another vote for TopCat Landscaping. Talk to Trevor and he'll help you. They can do almost everything and if he doesn't do it himself he'll have contacts to do…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Please recommand a retaining wall builder in Adelaide

OK, if the $2000 is for the whole application then that's probably not so bad after all. But you should be able to do the paperwork yourself. It will just…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Please recommand a retaining wall builder in Adelaide

Which area in Adelaide are you (North, South, East or West)? I might know a couple of contacts you could try in the Northern suburbs, but I don't know if…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

The colours will look different and much nicer once you put your furniture in and put curtains up and the like. Ours was sooooo stark white when it was empty…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

So sorry to hear about all your trouble. That's terrible! I'm a bit surprised though because your house is in an area where already a lot of people live. Admittedly…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

We do not have any built in robes, so that problem didn't come up for us. So unfortunately I cannot help you with this.
Looks like your house is coming along…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

Thank you Claypot. The floorboards are Merbau and while they look great we are starting to wonder if it was such a great idea to put floorboards into a house…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

I find it interesting that you get your roof first and then the Hebel walls afterwards. They did it the other way around for our house. I wonder if this…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

Not with the roof trusses but there were some questions about a beam and if it was installed correctly or not. Yes, that did take some time to sort out,…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
How much can you build on a plot in Adelaide?

Don't ask the builders, as they would not know for sure but just give you some 'general number' they think is the most common.
It is probably slightly different from…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

Yes, that's what they say, but it doesn't always work that way. For us it was 7 months from when they started the frame (slab was poured just before the…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
2 Hot Water Systems? (Acreage Design)

I would definitely recommend 2 hot water systems for bathrooms that are that far apart.
Our Ensuite is about 20m away from the HWS. When you account for the "ups…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

Ok, I didn't think they would be outside but wanted to make sure.
Does the smartstart need electricity to work or can it be bypassed if there is a power cut?

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

Here are a couple of pictures of our sliding doors to the dining area. I don't think it looks any different in Hebel than in brick?

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

Sorry, I might have been a bit unclear. The pipes are running inside the house. They go up to the roof inside the frame, then they run inside the roof…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

Thanks Mclaren. There still is a lot of stuff in the garage. But 95% of what belongs in the house is unpacked and in place now. I am going to…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

So now that we have been living in the house for a bit over a week and things finally start to settle down, I have to say that I love…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

The next drama came when we asked for the kitchen appliances and HWS to be installed. I got a call from the plumber telling me: "Mate you will have to…

12 years12 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
IMJAS' House in SA - We have KEYS!!!

It's time for a bit of an update me thinks. :th: This will be a bit of a long post, so I apologise. I might…

13 years13 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

That looks like a few nice, neat piles. It will look even better once it is all put together and you can walk through it! ::lol::

13 years13 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Actron Air Conditioner? Or Mitsubishi

We have an Actron A/C, 18kW ESP+ with 11 outlets and 8 zones that cost us $15,400. So your price sounds quite similar. We have only been living in the…

13 years13 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

Looking beautiful! Conslabulations. ::celeb::
ADH must be using those guys quite a bit. There are some familiar figures in those pictures. ::lol::

13 years13 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

All set up and ready to go! :z: Warm up those slab dancers! ::celeb::

13 years13 yearsThalian72Thalian72 posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

I'm not on for a few days and look what's happening!!!! :z: :: :z:

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