Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Stage 2 is now registered!! Lots 201-255. Was just advised by the developer and have cited the finalized plan inquiry.
Developer's solicitor is preparing…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Update - I've gotten in touch with LRS about Stage 2 and received a response today -
"The status of DP1229622 is now undergoing folio creation which is the last step…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Stage 2 has finally been certified by BCC!! ETA for registration as per the developer - 2 to 3 weeks.
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Agreed. It's a bummer cause we had the same intention...Pretty poor stuff to be honest.
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hey Pecker,
I'm not sure to be honest cause I'm not sure how long the developer will take to lodge the application - At least LPI have a defined KPI…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Update - I've been told by the developer that the Subdivision certificate is under final review by the BCC at the moment. We should receive it tomorrow or early next…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
I know the feels...Today we found out that our builder is adding on a variation as our tender expires on How plans quickly fall apart! I'm not sure who…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Definitely frustrating but not as bad as your wait! I noticed the same with Bella Rise, although now they're finally registered (Well some stages ie). How are things going on…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Just an update...We're not at LPI, we're still waiting for the subdivision certificate to be issued by BCC. I spoke to the Duty Planner at BCC and was advised the…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
I presume you meant Stage 2? I thought Stage 1 had reached registration?
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Yeah makes sense. It'll take 10-12 days with LRS so we're going to push into May possibly. I just hope the subdivision certificate is issued soon....
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Thanks Josh for the heads up. I'll PM you if we need one. Hope settlement went well
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hi Pecker,
I know right! It's been an interesting yet stressful learning curve...Anyhow, Land & Property Information (LPI), now known as Land Registry Services (LRS) will receive the deposited plans…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear the end is near...Hopefully the plans will be sent to the LPI before the next round of assessments. We just missed cut…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
lol I know the pain...I don't think you'll hear that anytime soon though, we're still waiting on the subdivision certificate to be issued by BCC. Pray that we get that…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hi everyone,
Hope y'all are doing well.
Has anyone got any updates to share?
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Sounds good, Michael. Hoping to hear from you soon!
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hey Josh,
Fences are still up but open. Should be dismantled soon and ready before settlement expires.
To Stage 2 owners,
I noticed that Stage 2 lots have been cordoned…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Dudddeeee congratulations! That's great news Good luck with settlement
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Just to clarify, I presume what's holding you back in the submission of the plans to council is the soil testing and survey details? BCC can approve plans on unregistered…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
That's true. I remember when we bought our lot in Feb '17, we were told Stage 1 would be registered by June '17. But hey - At least the growth…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hi Josh,
Welcome to the thread and thanks for joining the discussion. Sadly the fences are still up but good to know that we're at LPI for stage 1. I…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hi Pecker,
Thanks for sharing. That is good news to hear. Hopefully the LRS won't take to long to register the lots soon after
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
We've started the process where we've had our external colour appointment and the plans have been drafted. We're yet to pay the 5% deposit in order for the plans to…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hi Sam,
I was curious to see what was going on with Stage 1. Registration for them was to happen last year in June I think!
It's good to see that…
Crown Hill Estate Riverstone
Hi M.Rodgers,
I got an email from Castlehaven Projects saying that registration for stage 2 will be in April 2018. We were hoping for March but it got dragged back…