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25 Posts
Junior Member

25PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 28 July 2019
Junior Member
6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Good brand of door handle, Novas vs Nidus

Anyone know if this is a good quality handle?
Would also love to know if either spec is easier/harder to install.

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Replacing doors and painting architraves

I am going to replace my doors, new door, hinges and handles. I am going to re-paint the door jamb, architrave. Should I do this all before the new door…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
True centre of bedroom vs visual centre


6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Replace skirting boards

Where the rounded corners of the door architrave are I will have a gap, tried to show an exaggerated version on the blue here. So still cut straight? There would…

Replace skirting boards
6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
True centre of bedroom vs visual centre

This is the smaller room with the same problem...

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
True centre of bedroom vs visual centre

Sorry not the best photos, but does this help?

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Replace skirting boards

Where I am joining the skirting to the door frames it is rounded, would I cut at an angle and just fill with silicone?

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Replace skirting boards

This is so helpful thank you! I read a few people didn't liquid nails the boards only dowel and nailed. is that acceptable?

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Which order to paint in and how to tackle this?

Hi all, is it best to pain skirting and door frames first? If I can't do this does it matter?
Also wondering how I should tackle the below, is some scraping…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Replace skirting boards

Thanks! Can I just glue the skirting to the wall or do I have the risk that it may bow?

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Replace skirting boards

We have laminate floors in our apartment. The skirting used looks pretty poor:
I was hoping to replace with something like the below:
I had a few questions listed below:
The previous skirting…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
True centre of bedroom vs visual centre

We have just had some built in wardrobes installed. They take up the majority of one side of the master bedroom. We will be installing new ceiling lights, and I've…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Updating an intercom

I am replacing a simple intercom in my house. I purchased the newer model, it looks like a telephone cord. Are there electrical currents running through these? Not sure whether…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
What type of windows are these?

That was super helpful thanks! I was looking at videos but couldn't find anything exactly what we have. Perfect.
I think I am going to start on the windows themselves. From…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Best kelvin and watts for our bedrooms?

Is that not too low? I have been looking at 10W downlights, is 5W essentially the equivalent of half a downlight in the room?

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Best kelvin and watts for our bedrooms?

Can anyone recommend which lights (below) would be best for two bedrooms. I am unsure on watts and kelvins for the room:
Bedroom 1: 12.58m2 (3.7 x 3.4)
Bedroom 2: 8.64m2 (3.6…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Good brand of downlights

It's a little confusing but Bella Luce is not a Bunnings brand:
The Bunnings version is:

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
What type of windows are these?

Is the spring something I can replace? I assume to remove the window I take out the wood sitting in front?

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Good brand of downlights

Thanks, I have seen SAL and ATOM, are they both the same? I was reading SAL did have some recalls?
Has anyone heard of Bella Luce?

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Good brand of downlights

Could anyone recommend a good brand of downlight? In our old apartment, we had the below, I would like to get as close too:
Brand: Bella Luce
Model: BDL332
Input: 220-240V 350mA
7W 2700K

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
What type of windows are these?

Thanks! Would you suggest putting architraves on these windows or they don't lend well? They seem to have a lot happening inside the window box?
I can't quite work out how…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
What type of windows are these?

I notice our windows don't have any moulding (is that the word?), around the outside. I am looking at restoring these. Is the best bet to keep as is, just…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
New Doors, moulding and skirting

Hi all, hoping to get some advice on my doors. Looking to replace all the doors with something standard just in better condition. Would it be worth doing the door…

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Flush Mount Round Ceiling Light Question

Thanks! Do you have any recommendations on where to buy either online or in-store? I'm looking for something similar to the below:

6 years6 yearsTomSTomS posted:
Flush Mount Round Ceiling Light Question

Hi all, first post! In our old 'designer' apartment we were renting the bedrooms had round ceiling lights, round fluorescent. The cover was glass. I have been looking for a…

Flush Mount Round Ceiling Light Question
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28 July 2019

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