Boral Blackheath: UPDATE 7: Page 5 - Clean bricks
Hi TaraDog, initially, we had some staining on parts of our mortar, PD came back and fixed all this. 5 years on, we have no staining. The only comment I…

Reflections Estate Tarneit – Calling all Reflectors
This needs confirming, I am pretty sure the sales office at Reflections told me this, but that was 3 years ago, I may be wrong. It has not flooded yet…

Reflections Estate Tarneit – Calling all Reflectors
As far as I know, it can't flood, it's a man made 'lake' so has overflow I think. Yes it can dry up, but with all the rain fall coming…

Reflections Estate Tarneit – Calling all Reflectors
Not sure on the internet side of things, we have ADSL, its good enough for what we do, hopefully someone else can provide those answers.
Rates are $387 a quarter for…

Reflections Estate Tarneit – Calling all Reflectors
Hi ponglong,
I started this thread ages ago, I have not been on this site for a long time, just too busy with work, kids and my studies.
We are happy here,…

Waste point for toilet too close to wall. Solution found
Hi tan39, I think the offset is a 60mm, but it was a while ago and I can't remember properly. I know that the pipe was about 40mm to close…

Waste point for toilet too close to wall. Solution found
Hi tan39, I think the offset is a 60mm, but it was a while ago and I can't remember properly. I know that the pipe was about 40mm to close…

Kate & Dean - Urbanedge Build -We are in lots of pics
WOW, your house looks great, glad you have settled in ok. Hope you had a great house warming and birthday

Reflections Estate Tarneit – Calling all Reflectors
We are supposed to have wood only, don’t know why those houses have Colorbond, call National Pacific for clarification. Not sure what the consequences are if you do use Colorbond

URGENT HELP PLEASE! Building inspector needed - Tarneit area
Thanks baysidehome, not too late yet, we are still working a few things out

cheap paint vs. one coat paints
Spot on
One coat paints are a gimmick, they don’t work, same as these paints that go on pink and turn white (the paint…

Kate & Dean - Urbanedge Build -We are in lots of pics
Congrats, both on the keys and your 30th. Enjoy!

Reflections Estate Tarneit – Calling all Reflectors
Hi liebenswert, glad to hear you are now connected, and ahead of schedule. As for your rodent problem, no such problems at our house, even with the cat and dog…

Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics
I have to agree with kiwi, I am all for solar but it just isn't worth it at the moment, until the technology becomes cheaper at least. Plus, as soon…

Kate & Dean - Urbanedge Build -We are in lots of pics
Good to see you are back on track, the house is looking great, let’s hope you can be in by your 30th, my fingers are crossed for you

URGENT HELP PLEASE! Building inspector needed - Tarneit area
That's 2 votes for QAI, thanks ring09

URGENT HELP PLEASE! Building inspector needed - Tarneit area
Thanks AlexandH for the info

URGENT HELP PLEASE! Building inspector needed - Tarneit area
I can’t go into the details as to why we need one, but I am in need of a building inspector to inspect a finished newly built house. I need…

What to clean Caesar stone with?
When we first moved into our house we put a box on the bench that was a little wet and it left ink on the stone, we tried everything to…

What to clean Caesar stone with?
This is what we use:
http://www.caesarstone.com.au/Shop-Onli ... g_Kit.aspx
you can just buy this stuff at the supermarket instead of from this website though

Kate & Dean - Urbanedge Build -We are in lots of pics
Hang in there kpatch, it will all be worth it when it is finally right and you can call it your home. I have my fingers crossed that everything gets…

Ceiling water stain
Paint an oil or metho based stain blocking undercoat, then 2 coats of ceiling paint

Water based - Enamel vs. Acrylic - ?!?!?!
Just some extra info for anyone who is interested, the Haymes one has just been re-released and is now called Ultra Trim, it is now low odor and low VOC,…

Does anyone know what these extra buttons do?
Like the opener, no details, only this sticker on the back
All I want to do is turn the light on and off, they don’t make things easy do they?

Does anyone know what these extra buttons do?
The manual is only for the opener, it does not mention the remotes at all, as Veefy said, the remotes are probably a universal type and the buttons may not…

Does anyone know what these extra buttons do?
If only it was that simple
This is what I thought too, but surely there is a way of programming it to do things like…

Does anyone know what these extra buttons do?
As the title suggests, I am trying to figure out what three of the four buttons do on the remote for our sectional roller door.
Here is the remote
Here is the…

Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics
Welcome back RF, how is everything going with the house and more importantly the pregnancy?

Kate & Dean - Urbanedge Build -We are in lots of pics
This sounds like our story, we were supposed to get our keys mid October 2010, (my birthday is on November 9) but because of the delays, we got the keys…