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Joined 18 August 2009
Bronze Member
13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Digging under the foundation for removing blocked sewer pipe

We started having blocked drains after moving into our new home. When the plumber did an inspection, he found significant blockage of the sewer pipes due to concrete.
The only recourse…

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
External tiles are a nightmare - advice needed please

Hi All,
I recently completed building and took possession of our dream home. After living in it for a couple of days, the first thing we noticed was that the external…

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
3 phase power shock

Perhaps the time has come for you to re-evaluate whether or not you actually need 3 phase power or want 3 phase power...

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
evacuated solar hot water options Perth

I was googling about Evacuated tube technology and came up with this - I was blown away as it is soooo informative about this technology and includes a lot of…

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Bifolds & Stackers & Floors, oh my!

I think the ideal solution would be raise the living area floot by 60mm. However, you do not have to do this using concrete and tiles. You could leave your…

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
HELP with glass shelves Please!

Suction cups can only hold so much weight. Putting a fish tank on it !! ? A definite NO.
Also if the glass shelve holding the tank were to collapse, it…

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Cairns Build - Better Homes Queensland - 1st builders clean!

I too am building with BHQ - the work started on the 20th with the site scrape and then went onto slab pour and external walls.
Your house looks marvellous and…

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Looking for baking suggestions.

banana cake with walnuts is great - it can be eaten hot or cold, not to mention the ease of preparation given that you have a lot of things to…

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Cooling help..

Looks good traveller - had a read of it. I would use it in your situation.

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Suspicious Building Inspectors?

I have to agree with all the comment above - good stuff. One thing seems consistant though is that it seems very suss that the buyer would not share the…

13 years13 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Splashback - Glass or tiles?

They say (I not sure who) that fashion is for those who do not know what they want.
At risk to myself , I say that tiles have been in fashion…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Variation Request from Builder

I would agree with the above. However, in some circumstances, it is advantegous to you to switch to a brand that could turn out to be far superior to your…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Bricklaying tolerances

A lot of tolerances used in the brick/mortar section of the standard are to do with visual appeal. From a technical perspective, if the mortar width were to vary a…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Full sun - Timber or colourbond pergola?

I wouldn't think that 10-15 years is an accurate life span for a well built (with good quality materials) timber pergola. - I agree. If well looked after, there is…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Grouting over tiling spacers

another example of where tradies laziness causes problems down the line. In no circumstances can I find an exmaple wherein a so called technical advancement has benefitted the end customer…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Ceiling manhold in garage - security risk?

Put a sliding deadbolt on the garage manhole - that way only you can open it from the inside....and its no longer a security risk.
lets face it, the only reason…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Best place in Adelaide??

Aussieglass in Edwards town - check them out...maybe what your looking for.

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Carlisle Homes Albany 35

Hi Nishant,
Congratulations on your build - hope you get to enjoy the process - I certainly did.....

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Rebuilding burnt down house

Ii agree with all the above - though I highly suspect you are in agreement too :)

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Built In Wood Fires

A nice victorian fire place would look great - the Victorian era was the golden age for fireplaces. I'm sure googling "victorian fireplace" for images should give you hundreds of…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Retaining Wall Price Estimate Comparison

IMHO (in order of increasing cost - assumes that site access is easy and no complicated gradients):
(1) treated pine sleeper
(2) concrete sleeper
(3) boulder (basically crane hire is the main cost)

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
We are desperate and need help!!

Thank goodness for happy endings (which Iam sure your will be). Getting a builder to guide you is the best thing you can do - dont forget that motivation…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
seasol & Powerfeed mixture

As the Fu Man says - you feed the soil and the plants will take care of themselves.... try and increase bioorganisms in the soil - seasol will do that…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Awful smell from neighbours dogs

Talk to your neighbor? +1

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Bird Poop on my concrete

Another thing you could try and determine the root cause for the birds standing on the fence - perhaps there is food generally placed in the vicinity ?
IMHO It is…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Driveway concrete recommendations Tarneit area Vic

'Overly priced' is a very subjective term. Remember , you get what you pay for. This does not mean that I condone overcharging.
I used the builders concreter who did a…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Is it worth it? - covering grout with coating/sealant????

I'll attempt to allay your fears step-by-step
(1) What on earth possessed you to go with light tiles in the living areas? :O
j/k :) - this is…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Pumping stormwater to street -question??

Ugggh, after feeling like I was making progress, I called the council again this morning to ask about the 'charged' system - and they don't allow them.
They do allow pumps…

14 years14 yearsxanthropexanthrope posted:
Curtains - do the have to be hung in pairs?? Pic added

I am in a similar situation wherein I have 2 double hung windows 900mm wide and 1500mm high, with a 1600mm wall space between them.
I am contemplating putting 1 cutain…

Joined homeone
18 August 2009

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