No matter how careful you are, your carpets will become victims of messy accidents, spills and splashes. Stains are inevitable. To tackle these problems effectively and keep your carpets looking new, here are our ten best carpet stain removal tips.

1) Blot Stains

When a stain occurs, the urge is to rub furiously to make it disappear. The problem with this approach is you drive the stain further into the carpet, leading to a premature breakdown of the fibres. Instead, gently dab at the stain with a cleaning solution and paper towels, a clean cloth or a sponge. Work from the perimeter of the stain toward the centre because blotting outward can spread it further.

2) Iron Stains

Another way to get rid of stains is to use a hot iron. First, vacuum the area to eliminate any hard particles, then treat the stain with a 3:1 mixture of water and vinegar. Give the solution at least five minutes to work its way into the carpet, then place a towel on top of the stained area and apply a heated iron. A combination of pressure and heat lifts the stain and transfers it to the towel.

3) Apply Baking Soda

Baking soda is a wonder cleaner that can eradicate oil stains and pet accidents. Sprinkle a big spoonful of baking powder on top of the stain and lightly mist with water. Leave it for three to six hours. The powdered chemical compound acts as an absorbent and sucks the oil out of the carpet.

When the time has elapsed, just vacuum up the powder. This will leave a lighter stain that can be blotted away. If the stain is particularly stubborn, repeat the process. Baking soda will also mask the smell from pet accidents.

4) Give Your Carpet A Blast of Shaving Foam

With this straightforward, low-cost approach, spray some shaving cream (not shaving gel|) onto the stain and let it sit for around 30 minutes. The soapy liquid can lift a variety of marks, everything from shoe skid marks to coffee. After 30 minutes, blot the remains of the stain away with a clean cloth.

5) Sprinkle Copious Amounts of Salt

Another great stain removing tip is to cover a fresh stain with lots of salt immediately. After a few minutes, you'll see the salt start to change colour as it absorbs the liquid. Leave for at least 15 minutes, then vacuum up the salt. If there is still a mark, repeat the process.

6) Ice Your Carpet

Don't panic if there's chewing gum stuck to your carpet. Dab the gum with an ice cube and leave it in place for a couple of minutes. Once the gum is frozen, hard and stiff, gently pull it off the carpet.

7) Dab Coffee Stains with A DIY Cleaning Solution

Enjoying a delicious cuppa over a pristine white carpet feels like you're tempting fate. If any coffee ends up on the flooring, try to blot up as much as you can. Then apply a homemade cleaning solution made from two cups of warm water, one tablespoon of liquid dish soap and one tablespoon of white vinegar. Blot gently and frequently until the stain disappears.

8) Use Alcohol to Remove Nail Polish Stains

Some people avoid rubbing alcohol onto carpets in case it damages the dye. However, many types of clear rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover are not strong enough to bleach a carpet. Therefore, wait for the nail polish to dry, chip off as much as you can, then dab the stain gently with a cloth or paper towel that's been dipped in alcohol.

9) Pour A Club Soda

Club soda works well against beer and wine stains if used correctly. Pour some onto a clean cloth and blot the stain. If it starts to appear lighter, the process is working. Because it is merely carbonated water, club soda won't leave behind any residue, unlike many commercial cleaners.

10) Apply Hydrogen Peroxide to Blood Stains

Hydrogen peroxide is often used to remove blood stains from clothes and furniture and works equally well on carpets. Moisten the stained spot with the chemical compound and let it sit for about one hour. Afterwards, blot the area and repeat the process until the stain is no more.

With the right DIY stain removal techniques, you can have your carpets looking fresh and spotless.
Happy cleaning!