At NHBB, we know building a luxury home in Perth can be an expensive process, but there are many factors that will affect the final price.
he cost of land and location, as well as the size of the home, complexity of build and amenities on-site like a pool, spa or tennis court, all play into how much it costs to build a luxury home in Perth.
To give you some idea of what you might expect for this type of project we have put together some information about the things that typically come up with each house plan.
Building a luxury home is an important investment
What are some other factors that can make a difference in how much it costs to build a luxury home?
This post will explore these questions by discussing the factors that influence the price of your new luxury build.
But first, what is a luxury home?
A luxury new home is what you want it to be. It is a custom design built to your specific requirements.
It is definitely not a home you have picked from a display village that is built for you by a Perth project builder.
t is built by a luxury home builder that builds unique homes for clients that have a budget just for the actual home from $500,000, excluding all other costs.
A new luxury home is by its very nature one of a kind that fits you and what you want from a home. You will have so much more choice than when you are home buyers.