In outdoor living, every choice you make echoes in the tranquillity of your haven. When it comes to the very ground beneath your feet, the decision between artificial grass and natural turf is more than just a choice; it's a statement. It's about luxury, quality, and the heartfelt commitment to create a serene escape right in your backyard. Whether you're a seasoned homeowner or just starting the transformative journey of outdoor design, understanding the nuanced differences between these two options is paramount.

With Ezy Decking's vast reservoir of experience and our shared passion for perfection, you're not alone in this decision. You have a trusted companion guiding you every step of the way.

Remember, every choice you make is a step closer to your idyllic outdoor retreat. Let's make it count.

Artificial Turf

It's evident that artificial grass is increasingly capturing the hearts of homeowners. But why?

Benefits of Artificial Turf

Low Maintenance

One of the most tantalising perks of artificial grass is its minimal maintenance. Imagine a lawn that frees you from the weekly drudgery of mowing. Envision a space that thrives without the need for regular watering or tedious fertilising. Yes, artificial grass grants you this luxury. You get to reclaim your weekends, spending more time enjoying your outdoor haven rather than labouring over it.

Consistent Appearance

There's an undeniable charm in knowing that come rain or shine, winter or summer, your lawn remains a vibrant shade of green. Artificial grass doesn't fall prey to the whims of nature. It stays lush, vibrant, and visually pleasing all year round, ensuring that your outdoor space is always ready for those spontaneous gatherings or serene moments of solitude.


This isn't just any grass; it's a resilient companion to your outdoor dreams. With proper care, artificial grass promises a lasting relationship, often staying by your side for a good 10 to 15 years. It's an investment that stands the test of time, proving its worth with each passing year.

Drawbacks of Artificial Turf

Heat Absorption

While artificial grass is a marvel in many ways, it does have its quirks. One such trait is its tendency to retain heat, especially during those scorching summer days. So, when you're planning those barefoot afternoons, it's something to bear in mind. But, with a little foresight, like strategically placing seating areas or using outdoor rugs, you can easily navigate this challenge.

Initial Costs

Quality, as you know, often comes at a price. Artificial grass, with all its benefits, might feel a touch heavy on the pocket initially. However, if you consider the long-term savings - think of the reduced water bills and the money saved on maintenance - it might just be an investment worth making.

Benefits of Real Grass

Authentic Experience

Nothing compares to the sensation of genuine grass. When you step out, you're greeted with the soft touch and the invigorating scent of fresh turf, connecting you instantly to the heart of nature. It's more than just grass; it's a sensory experience that synthetic alternatives can't replicate. For those who cherish authenticity, natural turf offers an unparalleled outdoor luxury.

Environmental Contribution

Here's where your choice becomes bigger than your backyard. By opting for natural turf, you're contributing positively to the environment. Real grass plays a pivotal role in producing oxygen, making every breath you take outdoors even more refreshing. Moreover, it serves as a natural carbon sink, absorbing carbon dioxide, and supporting a healthier ecosystem. Your green patch can indeed be a little eco-warrior, fighting against environmental adversities.

Cooler Surface

Ever noticed how much cooler natural surroundings feel, especially during the scorching summer months? Natural turf has an inherent ability to regulate temperature. This means on those sunny days when you're looking to relax outdoors, your natural turf will provide a cooler, more comfortable surface, making your outdoor moments truly enjoyable.

Drawbacks of Real Grass

Higher Maintenance

While the allure of natural turf is undeniable, it does come with its set of responsibilities. Maintaining its lush appearance requires regular mowing, watering, and occasional treatments. Think of it as nurturing a living entity; it thrives with care but might wane if neglected. However, with Ezy Decking's vast experience, you'll discover efficient ways to keep up with the maintenance, ensuring your grass remains the envy of the neighbourhood. Keeping your lawn in great shape requires either requires you to spend considerable time looking after it yourself, or paying for lawn care professional to provide Gold Coast Lawn Mowing services for you.

Water Dependency

A lush green lawn is a sight to behold, but it can be thirsty work! Especially in drier conditions, natural turf demands consistent watering. This can, at times, reflect in your water bills. It's essential to strike a balance - considering innovative irrigation methods or selecting grass types suited to your local climate can be beneficial.

Factors to Consider When Making Your Choice

Making the right choice for your outdoor haven isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a blend of functionality, budget, and environmental concerns. It's a commitment to the future. So, let's discuss the pivotal factors you must weigh in your decision.

Purpose and Usage

You need to ask yourself: "What's the primary purpose of my outdoor space?" Is it a playground for your little ones, a lounge area for your weekend relaxation, or perhaps a space where your furry companions can frolic freely?
  • For Kids: If you envision laughter-filled afternoons with your children playing, then consider the softness and safety of the ground. Natural turf, with its cool and cushiony texture, can be an excellent choice. However, the durability of artificial grass ensures it withstands the wear and tear of energetic play, making it a worthy contender.
  • For Leisure: Planning on sunbathing or outdoor yoga? Artificial grass can offer a consistently flat and comfortable surface year-round, while natural turf brings that authentic touch and connection with nature.
  • For Pets: Animal lovers, pay attention! Pets can sometimes be a tad hard on lawns. While natural grass might feel better under their paws, artificial grass stands strong against digging attempts and remains evergreen, even if Fido decides to play a bit rough.
Budget Considerations

Dive deep into your finances, and don’t just skim the surface. While the initial investment for artificial grass might be more than natural turf, ponder on the long-haul.
  • Upfront Costs: Yes, artificial grass can pinch your pockets initially, but there's a flip side.
  • Long-Term Expenditures: The continuous watering, mowing, and fertilising associated with natural turf accumulate costs over the years. Whereas, with artificial grass, after the initial installation, your costs significantly diminish, saving you more in the long run.
Environmental Stance

Your love for the outdoors probably means you have a soft spot for Mother Nature. So, factor in your environmental responsibility.
  • Water Consumption: Natural turf thrives on water, especially during those scorching summer days. In contrast, artificial grass remains evergreen without a single drop, which can be a boon in areas prone to droughts.
  • Sustainability: Natural grass, undoubtedly, gives back to the environment, be it through oxygen production or supporting tiny ecosystems. It's a dynamic, living entity.
Tips for Installation and Maintenance

Artificial Turf

Crafting a perfect outdoor escape isn’t just about choosing the right type of grass; it’s also about ensuring its flawless installation and diligent upkeep. So, when you opt for the low-maintenance allure of artificial grass, here’s how to get it just right:

Optimal Installation Methods:
  • Base Preparation: Start by clearing the area. A well-compacted base, preferably using a mixture of crushed rock, ensures proper drainage and provides a stable surface. This foundational step can significantly influence the longevity of your artificial grass.
  • Seaming: When laying multiple rolls of grass, ensure the grass blades point in the same direction. Use quality seaming tapes or adhesives, and press the seams together. The aim is to make them almost invisible, giving your grass that seamless look.
  • Infill Application: Apply sand infill evenly. This not only gives your grass a natural feel underfoot but also helps to keep it anchored and upright.
Pristine Maintenance:
  • Avoid Heavy Objects: Leaving heavy items for extended periods can flatten the grass blades. If this happens, a gentle brush can revive their upright stance.
  • Tackle Stains Immediately: While artificial grass resists most stains, addressing spills promptly with a mild detergent and water mixture can maintain its fresh appearance.
  • Periodic Rinsing: Dust, pollen, and airborne pollutants can reduce the vibrancy of your grass. A monthly rinse can help maintain its invigorating lushness.
Real Grass

The charm of natural turf lies in its authenticity, but it requires a touch of expertise and dedication:

Soil Preparation and Seeding:
  • Soil Testing: Before you sow, it’s crucial to understand your soil's pH and nutrient profile. An ideal pH for most grass types ranges between 6.0 to 7.5.
  • Tilling: Turn over the top 4-6 inches of soil. This aeration can be a game-changer, providing your seeds with a welcoming environment to root.
  • Seeding: Choose a grass type suited to your climate and usage. Broadcast seeds evenly and then lightly rake the soil, ensuring they’re adequately covered.
Tips for Vibrant Turf Health:
  • Mowing Wisdom: Don’t cut more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time. This method retains the grass's strength, keeping your lawn thick and reducing the chances of weeds.
  • Watering Technique: Water deeply and less frequently, promoting the growth of deeper roots. Early morning is the ideal time as it reduces evaporation and prevents the onset of lawn diseases.
  • Yearly Aeration: This might be the secret sauce many overlook. By perforating the soil with small holes, you allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn.
If you’re considering to have artificial turf or artificial green walls installed in your backyard, get in touch with Ezy Decking today.