What Is a Power Surge?

Basically, a power surge is a short, sharp increase in the electricity flowing through an outlet or electronic device. It might only last a second or even less.

Are Power Surges Dangerous?

They can be, yes.
  • Even one small power surge can damage an appliance, which makes it less safe to use.
  • Power surges can cause electric shock, fire, or serious injury.

What Causes Power Surges?

There's no one cause of an electrical spike or power surge. However, here are the most common causes of spikes at home.
  • Overloaded sockets
  • Wildlife or rodent damage
  • Using too many appliances
  • Tree roots or fallen trees
  • Lightning strikes
  • Faulty or damaged wiring

It's hard to fix a power surge unless you properly diagnose the problem. This is why it's so important that you contact an electrician if you suspect there's a power issue.

What Are the Signs of Power Surges?

Power surges can be really subtle, and they're not always easy to identify. However, don't ignore these signs of power surges around the home.
  • Your wireless connection frequently turns on and off. This suggests a problem with the power supply.
  • Some appliances don't work while other devices are active.
  • A power outlet doesn't work for a few seconds.
  • You notice a burning smell around power outlets.
  • Fuses trip (especially if it happens more than once).

These are all signs that you could do with some help from an electrician.

Can I Prevent Power Surges?

Well, while you can't prevent all power surges, you can definitely make your home a little safer. Here are some tips you can try right now.
  • Don't overload your power supply. For example, do you really need five appliances plugged into your extension cord at the same time? Turn off anything you're not using.
  • Switch out old equipment for newer models if you can.
  • Check your wiring. Could it use some upgrading? Contact a qualified electrician for home rewiring.
  • Don't run too many appliances simultaneously.

Prevention is always better than cure. However, if you've already had a power surge, it's best to call an electrician for help identifying the source and fixing the problem. Otherwise, you risk causing yourself, or your family, serious injury.


Power surges can damage your appliances and affect the integrity of your home's overall electricity supply. By making just a few simple changes at home, you can reduce your risk of power outages and electrical spikes and help keep your family safe.

To learn more about the signs of power surges or to ensure your electrical supply is safe and working effectively, contact our qualified team today.