In a time when efforts are being made to reduce the carbon footprint of energy use by making it as clean as possible, many people in Australia are on their way to installing solar panels on their homes. If you want to go the same route, one of the questions you may have regards the durability of these panels. Here, we attempt to deal with those concerns.

How Long Should Solar Panels Last?
The rate at which solar panels degrade over the years depends on many factors. However, we can roughly say that good-quality solar panels will degrade at a rate of 0.5 to 3% per year. An average solar panel will lose close to 1% of its lifespan annually. Solar panels that can last 20-25 years will keep their performance constant at 90% annually. We will explain these factors in detail to you.

Factors that Influence the Lifespan of a Solar Panel System
  • Solar panel quality: Solar panel qualities very greatly. However, non-standard soldered connections, exposed wires, and similar issues will greatly reduce your solar panel’s durability and cause premature failure. For this reason, you should definitely consider the quality when buying a solar panel and make sure that the one you buy complies with Australian certification standards.
  • Inverter quality: The quality of solar inverters also affects the efficiency and performance of solar panels. A high quality inverter as part of the solar setup will ensure that the solar panel will work properly for a long time.
  • Installation practices: Although solar systems are fairly durable, they can be damaged by improper pressurization during installation. Even if the windows are sealed, cracks in the glass make the solar panels vulnerable to damage from external factors such as rain. Please make sure that you deal with a reputable company when installing your solar panel so that their service lifespan is not shortened due to improper installation.
  • Temperature, light, and UV exposure: Just as the panels will degrade due to light when exposed to the sun, so their production power will decrease when exposed to cold temperatures. When exposed to UV radiation, the panel’s performance can decrease by 30%. To prevent this from happening, it is important to research new technology solar panels and choose according to the conditions of your home.
How to Increase Solar Panel Efficiency and Longevity
  • Check for loose racks, gaps, and faulty panels: The harsh weather conditions in Australia can severely damage your panels. They can cause loose racks, gaps, exposed wiring, and malfunctioning panels. Checking these regularly will improve the day-to-day functionality of your solar panels and extend their service life.
  • Clean your solar panels regularly: It is recommended that you clean your solar panels with a damp cloth or soft bristle broom. Dust, sand, leaves, and bird droppings and feathers can damage your solar panels or stop the light from reaching the solar cells. Cleaning your solar panel often will improve both its performance and durability.

Solar panels are durable structures, but protecting the connections of these panels is important for their functionality. Solar panels provide long-term use and are not very fragile, so many people neglect their basic maintenance. In this article, we have provided you with a few suggestions that can extend the functionality and service life of your solar panels. Do bear in mind though that the most important thing is to get in touch with a solar expert for advice.