A kilowatt hour is a unit of energy which is equal to 1,000 watt hours. On an electricity bill you will find a measurement of kWh or kilowatt hours.

Kilowatt Hour

What Are Kilowatt Hours Used For?

A kilowatt hour is an energy measurement which is used to determine how much electricity per hour your home is consuming daily. It is how energy company charge households in Australia and what you will see you all your power bills, in terms of how much energy you have used.

How Do I Calculate Kilowatt Hours?

To calculate kilowatt hours, work out how many watts your light source uses then multiply it by the amount of hours you are using it.

For Example:
If you use 1 x 50W light globe for 20 hours you will consume 1 kilowatt hour of electricity. (20 hours x 50Ws per hour = 1,000 watt hours = 1kWh)

How can i use Kilowatt Hours to save money?

Most electrical appliances in your home have a wattage label at the back or bottom, which lists the maximum amount of power the appliance can draw. Go through your household and make a list of all your electrical appliances and lighting while noting down what is on the wattage label. Now you need to estimate how many hours each appliance is on per day and from there use the formula above to calculate how much energy you use each day. This alone is not very helpful, however you now have a breakdown, of how much power each appliance in your home sucks out and that is good information to have, as it now allows you to go through the list and make some decision about where you can cut down and save some money.

This exercise gives households valuable information about what appliances are costing them the most in power and then allows them to find areas where savings can be enjoyed.

Save your family some money