Why Do My Drains Keep Getting Blocked?

Why Do My Drains Keep Getting Blocked?

Blocked drains are an inconvenient and unpleasant reality for many homeowners. There are several reasons why drains can become blocked, and some blockages can be challenging to clear. In this article, we will discuss the common causes of blocked drains and what you can do to prevent them.

Causes of Blocked Drains
In many cases, blocked drains can be prevented by understanding the common causes of blockages and taking steps to avoid them. Let’s go over some of the most common causes of blocked drains, from cooking oils and food scraps to mineral buildup and natural debris.
  • Cooking Oils
    Cooking oils and fats can cause significant problems when they are poured down the drain. While it may be tempting to pour used oil or grease down the drain, they can solidify in your pipes and cause blockages. It's best to dispose of these oils in the garbage rather than pour them down the drain.
  • Food Scraps
    Food scraps can cause blockages in your pipes if they are not disposed of properly. To prevent this, make sure to scrape your dishes into the garbage and use a drain strainer to catch any stray bits of food. Also, avoid putting stringy or fibrous foods down the drain, as they can get tangled and cause blockages.
  • Mineral Build-Up
    Over time, minerals such as calcium and magnesium can build up in your pipes, leading to blockages. Hard water is a common cause of mineral buildup, as the high mineral content can cause deposits to form in your pipes. Installing a water softener can help prevent mineral buildup and extend the life of your pipes.
  • Soap
    While soap is essential for keeping your home clean and hygienic, it can accumulate in your pipes and cause blockages. Soap scum can build up in your pipes, reducing the flow of water and causing blockages. Switching to liquid soap can help reduce the amount of soap scum in your drains, as liquid soap does not contain the same additives that bar soap does.
  • Hair
    Hair is a common culprit of blocked drains, especially in the bathroom. Hair can get caught in the pipes and cause blockages, particularly in the shower or bathtub. Installing a drain strainer can help catch hair and prevent it from going down the drain.
  • Cat Litter
    Cat litter should never be flushed down the toilet, as it can cause blockages in your pipes. Cat litter can clump together when wet, leading to blockages in your pipes. Make sure to dispose of cat litter in the garbage and avoid using the toilet as a disposal method.
  • Toiletries
    Flushing toiletries such as wet wipes and sanitary products down the toilet can cause blockages in your pipes. These items are not designed to break down easily, and can get caught in your pipes, leading to blockages. Always dispose of these items in the garbage, and make sure to keep them away from your drains.
  • Foreign Objects
    Children's toys, dental floss, and other foreign objects can cause blockages in your pipes. Make sure to keep these items away from your drains, and supervise children to ensure that they are not flushing toys or other items down the toilet.
  • Natural Debris
    Leaves, twigs, and other debris can accumulate in your outdoor drains, causing blockages. Clearing out these drains can help prevent blockages and keep your pipes in good working order. Trimming back any trees or shrubs near your drains can also help prevent natural debris from accumulating in your pipes.

Blocked drains can be a frustrating and unpleasant problem for homeowners. However, by being mindful of what goes down your drains and taking steps to prevent these sorts of blockages, you can often avoid this issue entirely.

By following these tips, you can keep your drains flowing smoothly and avoid the hassle of blocked pipes. However, if you do need some assistance, a licensed plumber can help you fix these everyday inconveniences in no time.