Having a properly installed and maintained home security system does not only give someone a peace of mind when it comes to preventing household intruders. A good security system can also help to reduce a number of other household hazards faced on a day to day basis.

Slips, trips and falls
Having young children and pets around the house is a really great part of family life. However, when it comes to accidents such as trips and falls, it may be a struggle. The same goes for the elderly who can suffer quite serious injuries even in a minor incident. Take a walk around the property and view it from the eyes of a young person, and then, as someone whose sight may not be so good. Steps or uneven sloping can cause a person to stumble, so may sure you install motion sensor lighting to help them see during the early evenings or when natural light is at a minimum.

For the elderly person who lives by themselves or in an adjacent “granny flat”, there are personal alarms that can be worn around the neck, which can summon help. Not only is this practical, but it also enables the wearer to regain their sense of independence; something that’s important to retain as we get older.

High risk areas
The pool in the back yard is a popular spot for small children. Ensure there are no tragic accidents by adding in locked and secured gates, as well as a wifi security camera so that you are able to monitor access into this area.

The laundry room contains a number of detergents and cleaning products that you don’t want to find their way into a toddler’s mouth. The same goes for the medicine cabinet, so consider fitting an alarm that alerts you when the door is open, along with child safety locks too.

Doors and gates to the driveway should also be fitted with remote lock technology so that you can monitor and control access to the property.

Forced entry break ins
An unwanted intruder can do a lot of damage to the property when aiming to relieve you of your valuables. Broken glass and a damaged door or window frame are all hazards. Combining that with theft, it can cause a homeowner costly repairs or cause injury to those at home. Aim to reduce this risk and deter burglars by fitting a CCTV security system for both the inside and outside of the home.

With WiFi, you can remotely check on the home during the day and report suspicious activity from wherever you are based. Monitoring devices like glass break detectors will also give out a loud alarm to scare off thieves and can be connected to an external security firm or the police. There are also doorbells that when pressed, can be answered by you from your mobile in real time, giving the illusion that someone is at home.

By having stable home safety systems in place, we are able to reduce the hazards and keep our homes secure.