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Joined 8 February 2015
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6 years6 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Renovating our 1960's modernist home [project thread]

Hi all,
A quick update from us.
We sold this house a few months ago, however if anyone is interested it is going to be on the first episode of the upcoming…

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7 years7 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Removing paint from old timber

We have bought a Woolstore apartment in Teneriffe (Brisbane) and will be renovating it.
For those unfamiliar, the woolstores are early 1900's riverside industrial buildings that were converted into apartments in…

7 years7 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

Just a regular light switch as you would for a ceiling light. You could have them on timers but personally I wouldn't want that

7 years7 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Can I claim price capping cost due to delay caused by neighb

It sounds reasonable to me but you need to speak to a solicitor I think.

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
How much did you pay for variation?

All builders loooove variations. The best thing you can do is take the time to work out exactly what you want before you sign anything, and get it all included…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Solar HWS not approved due to direction in Queensland

The plumbing inspector should stick to what he knows (plumbing) and leave the energy calculations up to those of us who understand solar design and thermodynamics...
A solar system in Queensland…

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8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
New Build: LED Recessed Lights or Incandescent with LED bulb

A well designed LED downlight with a constant current LED driver will outlast and outperform an LED globe in a traditional fitting in every metric by a substantial margin. That…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Has anyone rectified slab heave successfully

If the seller was aware of that serious defect and sold the property without disclosing it they can be in a lot of legal hot water.

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

I think that will be fine for the time being. Just make sure you get high output warm white LED globes, Philips, Osram or Sylvania are good brands. For bedrooms…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Dimmer switch for led lights

Two issues.
The first is poor quality LED lights, which I'm sorry to say basically all builders use. $10 junk from China.
Second issue is using a dimmer that is not…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Rough Electrical Allowances for builders

On average, electrical allowance should be about 5% of the total build cost. Up to 10% if you go hard on the bells and whistles.
$300k build = $15-30k electrical

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

I think I understand what you're getting at. I suspect the cause of the shadowing you're talking about might be from wide-angle diffused downlights.
As you read through this thread you'll…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Your Connected Home. What have you done / what do you need?

Why are you guys letting your wife use the remote control? And mother-in-law!!!
What has the world come to 😂

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8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

Totally comes down to budget. You can just put in bayonets with standard bulbs and stick some DIY light shades over them. Then once you can afford it you can…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

Yeah you're right about those downlights - pretty standard from a builder unfortunately. I would suggest supplying your own downlights and just having the builder install them. By the sounds…

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8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

It depends on whether they are quoting LED lumens or luminaire lumens. If they are quoting luminaire lumens then it's probably about what I would expect for a 9watt cheap…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Ask a lighting design engineer - general Q&A

Personally, I have fundamental dislike of downlights with frosted diffusers. They produce high discomfort glare, and have no beam control. They are fine for small rooms like toilet, WIR,…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Your Connected Home. What have you done / what do you need?

My wife just sends me Facebook messages. Gen Y...

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Solar Net Feed In and 3-Phase power. Dont get caught out!

40kWh per day 🤤
Maybe you should look into battery storage?

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Solar Net Feed In and 3-Phase power. Dont get caught out!

The viability will vary depending on your latitude but orientating your solar array to focus on reducing grid consumption at specific times certainly has merit, as does the inverse, changing…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Urgent help with downlights please!

The Trend ResiLed is a great downlight for domestic. It is the same as their commercial grade miniled, but just has a lower cost LED chip and driver (which is…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Pricing for downlights

You need to enquire what downlights they are using. Are they using rubbish, glarey $20 downlights, or good quality low glare $60 downlights?
I'd suggest investigating a good quality downlight with…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
The downlight still gives off orange light even it is off

Good pickup - and yes that makes perfect sense.

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Lights In Shower Niche and Behind Mirrors

I wouldn't recommend the shower niche one. I regularly have interior designers asking me to design these in to my lighting designs but I won't.
It will be very…

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
The downlight still gives off orange light even it is off

Yeah the Clipsal ones are cheap Chinese, they're just in a nice box

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
The downlight still gives off orange light even it is off

I've come across issues like this on some apartment projects. It only happens with cheap Chinese LED products that builders love

8 years8 years1960sModernistHome1960sModernistHome posted:
Problems with new apartment buildings

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy whackjob, maybe the developers have the right political connections to ensure that the regulators remain toothless tigers...

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Mid century modernist architecture

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