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44 Posts
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44PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 8 September 2020
Junior Member
3 years3 years3simon3simon posted:
Waterstop Angle at shower screen?

It’s a step-down from the outside tile area to the shower area, the step-down only measures a few mm.

3 years3 years3simon3simon posted:
Waterstop Angle at shower screen?

The tiler did one angle above another. It's a bit hard to explain in words, so here's a picture.
There is a slight lip between the shower tile area and outside…

Waterstop Angle at shower screen?
3 years3 years3simon3simon posted:
Waterstop Angle at shower screen?

Another point to watch out for in your upcoming renovation is to make sure the plumber/builder installs a puddle flange to the waste, and that it is flush with the…

3 years3 years3simon3simon posted:
Waterstop Angle at shower screen?

I ended up having a waterstop angle underneath the shower screen, as that is the proper way to do things. It should limit the amount of water flowing underneath the…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Waterstop Angle at shower screen?

Ended up still installing the angle underneath the shower screen. The idea is to tank the wet area. i.e. to make as least amount of water as possible escaping the…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Help with bathroom layout

homestyler.com or reece bathroom planner

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Removing tile adhesives

Yeah, I'm inclined to hire a professional to do it. Though not sure what professional to hire for removing tile adhesives.

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Removing tile adhesives

Hi guys, renovating bathrooms at the moment, where I've removed all the tiles in the old bathroom, but are now left with tile adhesives on the walls. Planning to tile…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
How to reduce the size of a hole on a brick wall?

Hi guys, I've got an existing hole on my external brick wall for the rangehood vent (pic below).

I'll be replacing my rangehood, and hence the ducting and the metal box…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
white set plaster or acrylic render on bathroom painted wall

Thanks for answering all my trivial questions! Would you consider bathroom (daily shower routine) to be suitable for lime or gypsum white set? Is that what WA homes usually do…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
white set plaster or acrylic render on bathroom painted wall

Trying to get myself up to speed with gypsum plaster with some online reading, many sites seems to suggest a disadvantage of gypsum plaster is it should not be used…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
white set plaster or acrylic render on bathroom painted wall

Thanks moudzj. so less with the paint bubbling, but more with drumming? Do you know how long the drumming and bond break appears with white set compare to renders?

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
white set plaster or acrylic render on bathroom painted wall

Thanks chippy. What issues are you referring to with standard white setting? that gypsum based set coats don't have?

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
white set plaster or acrylic render on bathroom painted wall

Hi all, I'm renovating bathroom at the moment, tiling wet areas, but leaving other walls of the bathroom painted for that traditional look..
Our walls are full brick with render and…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Help with bathroom layout

Hey Lemans, thanks for drawing up an alternative layout. I think that makes a lot of sense! Initially, I didn't think that was doable because I don't have a ceiling…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Help with bathroom layout

Hi all, I'm currently having some trouble deciding between two bathroom layout design for the main bathroom renovation, and was hoping you guys can give some opinion on which one…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
puddle flange needed on new floor waste (Concrete Floor)?

I see. Thanks all. That’s really helpful!

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Waterproofing shower/bath combo wet area?

Thanks Chippy! That's really helpful!
I've spoken to my waterproofer and plumber, but neither were very helpful and feel like I'm being bounced between trades. Plumber suggested that I should get…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Waterproofing shower/bath combo wet area?

Thanks for the info moudzj. I'm not planning to do it myself, I'm finding individual tradies to do the reno (as oppose to outsourcing everything to a builder..). The reason…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Waterproofing shower/bath combo wet area?

Hi all, would like to get your thoughts on how best to waterproof a shower+bath combo area.
below are some pictures of the area I want to turn into a shower+bath…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Should I include a 'return' in the kitchen?

Hi all, I'm renovating my kitchen at the moment (see attached plan for kitchen and laundry).
As you can see, the kitchen space measures roughly 3m by 3m, and is an…

Should I include a 'return' in the kitchen?
4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Using skirting board for half tiled bathroom?

That's interesting.
Have you heard of archi profiles?
I was just looking at their webiste, their skirting boards are supposedly made out of Duropolymer (some kind of polystyrene?), and suppose to be…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Using skirting board for half tiled bathroom?

We are planning to renovate our bathroom and only half tile the walls (i.e. tile the wet shower area only) and leave other walls painted.
To finish the floor/wall junction…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Are these drop in or freestanding bathtubs?

Quick question guys; are these drop-in or freestanding bathtubs? I suspect it might be drop-in as there's a horizontal line along the top of the bathtub? If drop-in, what did…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
corner bathtub for shower?

Are these corner bathtubs suitable for shower bath combo? Are they fixed to the wall via just a line of silicone (for waterproofing as well)? If so, I'm guessing the…

corner bathtub for shower?
4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Is this a realistic tiling + waterproofing quote?

Just wondering if you guys could give me some advice on whether the tiling + waterproofing quote I got is realistic or too good to be true?
I'm renovating my 2…

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Advice on layout of laundry/kitchen area?

That's great news. Thanks all.

4 years4 years3simon3simon posted:
Advice on layout of laundry/kitchen area?

Even if the door is opened inwards towards the laundry room instead of towards the stairs?

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