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Joined 27 April 2009
Senior Member
16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Ames Champion - Handover 04/09/09!! UPDATE...

congratulations Ames! It seems you are not really excited here ::smile:: just kidding!
how big is the lot and floor area?

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Artificial grass

well said Fu. I also don't recommend plastic grass. It's not a good idea you know.
And for Feng Shui? obviously it is bad feng shui. Hmmm...it's…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Looking forward to the most?

You can have it all as long as you have budget. My idea of my next home will be an eco friendly home. I just saw it on…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
How high is your vanity?

Would you mind if I ask your age? ::wink::

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
How do you know how old your house is?

Wow! a centennial celebration, congratulations! I guess you got the original title of the property? You may also verify it with your local council.

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
basics of increasing home value

Is that real? I can't believe it! :lol: :lol: :lol:

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Moving tips!

Don't forget to cover the glass or your dishes separately with a bubble and put it on a flat box. You may also cover it with a blanket to…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Fencing in the front yard?

My question is...is the place safe for the kids? Though you're planning to put a fence there, take a consideration of the size and the durability of the materials you…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Help ideas to renovate outside ceiling? PICS included

Good idea! as to lighting, you preferred flourescent or just simply a small bulb? Google search for green friendly bulb.

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
The question no-one wants to ask......

I guess all people here are serious! seriously laughing :lol: :lol: :lol:

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Philips LCD TV No Picture!?

You really cannot expect from them for an extended or longer warranty claims especially for a job repair. Unfortunately it's their policy. I suggest you wrote them a detailed…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Help me choose please...

Great job! Looks like you're an expert in interior designing.

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Re : Organic Compost At Front Garden Bed

Layering of pebbles is a great idea. Thanks Fu! Rats dig our organic compost :lol: What I did before...I put the compost on tin can…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
insurance- What do I need

Ask other insurance companies. Other sources other references the better.
I remember the last time I got an insurance for our office, the insurance company give me a quote for fire…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
One or two sinks?

Good question Southies!
We also have 2 sinks, though I'm not telling you to get 2 sinks also. Well, it really depends on your needs.

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Hanging LCD/Plasma from ceiling?

google search omnimount brackets...I think they have some sample works and better idea which could help you on how and where to place your LCD.

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Neighbours noisy air conditioner

Hi Taffy,
So what's the update? ::lol::

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Roof colour and fengshui?

what do you mean by hairy roof covering? I didn't see anything like that before :D

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Lack of energy in our home.

We rather used to lit incense sticks and bring it every corner of our home. You may also remove curtains from your window if any. Bring in indoor…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Too many doors?

not sure too many doors will affect the feng shui or not, but my mum told me that you must not have the front door directly face the back door,…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Crack on exterior wall

I'm just wondering why some stone/cement wall cracks.. Is it due to different weather?

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Mice in ceilng

so you are really serious here? :th: How about an anaconda? :D

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Exterior Colours-Ideas please

sorry got an error on posting...here it is>>> viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6649

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Exterior Colours-Ideas please

You may visit this thread posted by Michelle: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6649. Hope this could help you to decide.

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Colours-What do you think??

Hi, check this thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6649. This could help you.

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
How to choose colour.

I should have visited this forum earlier...We have house renovation 2 years ago. I really have no idea when my mother asked me to choose the right color for…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Fu can you tell me what is wrong with this plant

We have the same pot plant but not curly as that. Our plant looks like a very thin tall bamboo grass. We have two pot plants. One…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
You have to see this!

^^^Saw the video. My head almost turned around. I got dizzy watching it. Do you call it an art? Hhmmm I wonder what's the purpose of that…

16 years16 years9finances9finances posted:
Some Inspiration...

I love the first picture! So stunning!! But how could I afford that? ::wink::

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