Ben Trager Homes- Final Pics before PCI!!!
We just finished our BT house and build time (slab down to handover) was 11 months.
Ben Trager Secret Harbour - Finally have Keys
We had 100 square metres of tiling done plus the subway tiles on the splashback, and that took 1 guy 5 days. He wasn't there all day everyday. I guess…
Ben Trager Secret Harbour - Finally have Keys
Finished house is looking good. Well the parts that are finished. The upstairs will be left for a while and we'll concentrate on finishing downstairs. I don't have many photos…
Ben Trager Sunshine Burns Beach Build
Back to your tiling cost, what sort of tiles have you got? We had 600 x 600 rectified laid throughout all living areas. There was no screed done so just…
Ben Trager Sunshine Burns Beach Build
Snap! I did this too.... Oh that's right.... We live together
Ben Trager Secret Harbour - Finally have Keys
Hi Dandy
We built a house that's pretty similar to yours. Sort of a cross between the Geneva and Renato (neither of which are on the Ben Trager website). The main…
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!
Thanks. We are building with Ben Trager as well so have been quietly lurking for a while. I'll stop hi-jacking your thread though. Your house looks great so far.
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!
Thanks for that. That is more than what I was expecting (but then again, everything is more than I'm expecting!). We have 600 x 600 tiles through our living area…
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!
Hi Archetto
We're looking at getting bamboo for our steps as well but haven't worked out what the cost will be. What is the approximate cost for nosing, risers and treads?…
Ben trager 'the hadleigh'
We looked into getting polished concrete, but once we found out that all the polishing had to be done post hand over, this put us off. The thought of all…