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272 Posts
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Joined 3 January 2010
Silver Member
9 years9 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Citrus Crush for a front door colour

The door way is out of direct sunlight and weather all year round so that is not an issue. Any suggestions on other paint brands? Can we get Benjamin Moore…

9 years9 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Citrus Crush for a front door colour

Hi All
We have a problem. We were going to have citrus crush 62.60 (Wattyl I think) on the front door but the painter has advised us that it wont look…

9 years9 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Advice to repair cracks in my Pad before applying livos oil.

Considering all I told the builder was that I wanted to oil the floor as a covering in lieu of tiles, lino, floor boards etc as it was the most…

9 years9 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Advice to repair cracks in my Pad before applying livos oil.

I had the sprinkler on the slab for 9 days to cure it, the slab is about 4 months old. The slab is a 100mm raft slab 25mpa and the…

9 years9 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Advice to repair cracks in my Pad before applying livos oil.

Hi All
I have 2 fine but rather long cracks through the pad. They are maybe 1 - 2 mm wide at their worst but are about 5 - 7m long…

9 years9 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Question about Aluminium hinged doors

Hi. Yeah it is hinged on the same side but opening inwards, although we would have been ok if it opened on the opposite side.

9 years9 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Question about Aluminium hinged doors

We have an aluminium hinged door in our laundry. The house is still in the construction stage and the frame has not been installed.
Now the designer was supposed to…

9 years9 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Onion Weed - Help! how do you get rid of it...

We had our block sprayed with metsulfuron and glyphosate and it killed it ALL off. We were going after the arum lily firstly, but it killed the onion weed as…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Acid staining in Australia - Recommendations

Hi All
Has anyone applied acid stain to their floor before? If you have what was the product and what was the result? Or have you had anyone apply the stain…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Plants for a greenwall

Hi All
We are starting to build and I want to grow a plant over the eastern end of the house. I was thinking of maybe a hardenbergia growing on a…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Permeable Driveway Options - SW WA

Hi All
What are some of the permeable driveway options available that don't cost the earth and are relatively low maintenance? I was looking at some of the resins and they…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Quality window treatments - From overseas?

We are still looking and wont need anything for about 5 months but we would still buy early if there was a bulk buy opportunity.

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Permeable driveway options

Hi All
What are some of the permeable driveway options available that don't cost the earth and are relatively low maintenance? I was looking at some of the resins and they…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Bifold overhead cupboards with lift doors.

That is fine as we are both vertically challenged :)

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Polyurea flooring

Hi All
Does anyone have this coating system on their floors? We are looking at it as an alternative to getting polished concrete. It seems like a really robust product and…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Do you have Green in your Kitchen

I couldn't find the thread about everything green. I remember seeing it a fe months back but now I cant locate it :(

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Do you have Green in your Kitchen

We are getting our colours sorted in our wet areas and kitchen. We like green and are having a cedar clad entry way stained black ash with a lime green…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Bifold overhead cupboards with lift doors.

The cost of the mechanism or the cost of one of these compared to an overhead cupboard.

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Bifold overhead cupboards with lift doors.

We are designing our next house and we are investigating the use of bifold overhead cupboards in the kitchen. Does anyone know what the cost is for the blum aventos…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Insulating a Timber frame Home

This is the quote from the kingspan website.
"Kingspan AIR-CELL Permishield® (Patent No. 2012100976) is a revolutionary vapour-permeable barrier and insulation wrapped up in a single product."
It looks like it is…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Insulating a Timber frame Home

Hi All
We are building a timber frame Scyon linea clad house. We want to get the best insulation we can in the walls. I am thinking of installing king span…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Quality window treatments - From overseas?

We are in the process of getting ready to build a home. We are on a tight budget and in the pursuit of that we are looking to purchase online…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Double Hung Windows

Hi All
We are talking to builders at the moment in regards to building and they are telling us that double hung windows are super expensive.
Why is that and by…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Flat Roofs or very low pitch roofs

ok, we were just going to use it on the garage as it will be a separate roof line to the rest of the house and clad the whole thing…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Flat Roofs or very low pitch roofs

Hi All
Can anyone tell me if flat roofs or roofs with very little pitch cheaper to build?
Also, has anyone got a detail plan for the flat roofs that sit…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
What type of glass do you have for winter sun?

Enerlogic seems like a good product but it would keep a lot of the warmth from coming through the window in winter.

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
What type of glass do you have for winter sun?

We are in the processing of designing a passive solar house. My designer tells me not to have low-e on the northern windows as they wont let enough warmth in…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Concrete sealing question

Hi All
We are getting ready to build. I want to know if there are any products we can use to seal the concrete for a few years until we are…

10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Buying land in an estate

They are nice lifestyle blocks in a good spot, but I think that things are really slowing down here in WA.

  ⋅  1
10 years10 yearsabbeyboxabbeybox posted:
Buying land in an estate

Yeah it does seem slow and they are working on the next stage which is 38 more blocks. So there will be a real over supply of these blocks.



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