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Joined 1 August 2019
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1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
anchoring to ceiling

This is why getting your BIM data right is so important Ponzutwo.
Wait.........I meant BMI data :)

1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building a 39 square house in Schofields Sydney

No idea about the driveway question, but your price for a house that size including landscaping seems very good!

1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
So many builders going bust, how's King homes/Fowler homes?

100%, but the builders cost to build should be the contract price, which factors in their current build price.
Akuma69 is talking about increases outside the fixed price contract.

1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
So many builders going bust, how's King homes/Fowler homes?

Covid for sure did impact fixed price contracts and created a lot of issues with supply chains and labour availability. That's now passed in my opinion.
I don't believe…

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building a flame zone house in West Pymble on a steep site

Forgot to add, I know tradies are lining up for work, but 8-9 months for a house that size? Very impressive if that can be met.

1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building a flame zone house in West Pymble on a steep site

Good luck with it, looks like a nice floor plan. Savage block of land though :)

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:

Gosh, what were you thinking.
If you clear the block and sell the land ready for someone to build will it be enough to wipe your loan? If…

1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
So many builders going bust, how's King homes/Fowler homes?

Fowler Homes
Read your contract very carefully. While they've been forced to change this, if they were willing to do it in the first place, what other issues are…

1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Will we make it in for Christmas?

As above, very unlikely you'll make it. My build is coming along well, but completed in under 12 months? Nah don't see it.

1 year1 yearAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
I often get asked if now is a good time to build

Interesting read. Good points.
I remember posting in the past that you'll be getting calls for work from trades looking for jobs, now you are :)

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Millbrook Homes in liquidation

Just saw this one on the news, was surprised. A friend whose doing a custom build spoke with this builder early this year, I actually went through the display…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Facade Parapet Moulding

Seems it's a chippy who can install. I'm building with Clarendon, they have a facade called the Riviera, which isn't overly decorative, but costs around $55k (not fully rendered…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Facade Parapet Moulding

Interesting. I always thought this must be difficult to install since builders charge so much for that style facade, but after googling it seems it's readily available at reasonable…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
How much a ~50sq home cost nowadays?

That is incredibly cheap!!! Even for terrible specs lol
I would estimate about $1m for decent spec of 50sq. 50sq is a massive home.
My build near…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:

This 100%. Don't bother negotiating with such builders.
Building approvals are now in the basement. Lowest levels in 11 or 12 years from the data released this…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Thanks for the info. I'm finalising a few selection upgrades now. I might query that style of bench as I hadn't seen it.
Do you happen to…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Looks great, especially the high ceilings at the rear. Good luck with the auction.
What internal size is each duplex?
The curved island waterfall (not sure what it's actually…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Thanks Simeon.
Maybe seeing the final outcome will make more sense. I know in posts you generally talk total cost i.e.; your company provides full turnkey (demo, build, landscaping etc…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Congrats on the sale off market, well done. I've enjoyed reading this thread.
$1.6m to build the duplex at market rate, wow. I know you mentioned you've…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Looking good. Are you planning to sell both?
What flooring have you gone with?
We've just submitted our CDC so hoping for a good build time. Just saw…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Wrong ceiling height - rectification and appropriate compens

Personally, I wouldn't accept it. Builders problem to rectify and cover the costs to do so.
You say you have a good relationship with the builder. What…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Will prices get better?

Should have added. This is for a flat block of land with no additional cost factors such as bushfire zone.

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Will prices get better?

From what they've told me their price is coming in around $2600 per sqm. This is for house & driveway, but no other landscaping. I don't know specifics of all…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Will prices get better?

The point about living in longer term is key. We've been tossing up, which way to go, but have decided to push ahead and sign the contract to build.…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Porter Davis in liquidation

Sure is a big builder to go down. Give it a couple months, trades will be knocking on doors looking for work. New starts at a 10 year…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Pre Covid pricing won't be back for certain, but at least you'll have your pick of trades and suppliers down the line in 2023 with new starts nosediving. Pricing…

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
How realistic are the advertised prices?

Best to ignore the sticker price. We've ended up around $160k over the standard site costs/inclusions price.

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2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Single story build cost

Being a bargain was a bit tongue in cheek. Although, compared to the pricing Stonesthrow is paying in SA for a fairly basic finished build, something seems amiss.

2 years2 yearsAJ1111AJ1111 posted:
Single story build cost

Wow, seems pricing in SA is off the charts. Why though? I thought Sydney pricing would be some of the highest around.
I'm not promoting Ashington Homes,…

  ⋅  1

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