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371 Posts
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Joined 29 April 2016
Gold Member
5 years5 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Canberra custom KDR

We went with the lemon spotted gum (my partner's preference, I would personally have also been happy with the blackbutt).

5 years5 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Canberra custom KDR

Whoops, I did respond to HugoBarney via PM, and intended to also post it here - thanks, ligongl, the RecoveryVent was who I…

5 years5 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Canberra custom KDR

Okay, a recap of the time since my last post:
Much as I'd like to blame the plumber for that given some of the quality of his other work, it turns…

5 years5 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Hamptons inspired architect design with attached granny flat

Good to see it all coming along well - I'm really looking forward to seeing the final product given the interesting plan you have!

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Custom 2-storey knockdown rebuild - Canberra

Looking good so far - how have you found dealing with the builder?

5 years5 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Home valuations on new house/land builds

Me providing the lender won't help you (SGB for the record, though) - because it's not the LENDER that determines the value, its the VALUER.
The banks don't do valuations on…

5 years5 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Our KDR Project - Canberra

Looks great! How was the build process for you?

5 years5 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Canberra custom KDR

Sorry for delay in replying - I'm not much on these forums these days!
The build: the structural quality of the build was good, although there were a few minor cosmetic…

  ⋅  2
6 years6 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Take Two

Finally! Congratulations!

6 years6 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Gas or electric stove top and oven

There are 'adaptors' (not sure what the proper term is) available that enable the use of curved woks (and similar items) on induction cooktops. And cast iron is probably…

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Insulating 7 Start + new house

I'm not sure that that's possible - a thermal break almost by definition involves disrupting the monolith.
Personally, I'd do two separate slabs - an insulated one (including slab-edge insulation, most…

6 years6 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Hamptons inspired architect design with attached granny flat

Progress, at last! Hopefully the drama with the utilities is the biggest difficulty you'll face. Will be interesting to see how it all progresses.

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Take Two

Fingers crossed for you - good luck!

6 years6 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Canberra custom KDR

Thanks! We did put a lot of effort into planning and research - but yes, there's always the "unknown unknowns", and we've had a few of those. Now…

6 years6 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Canberra custom KDR

A quick update on how the winter's gone: we're definitely not getting our money's worth out of the upstairs aircon! (although it'll be used a lot more in summer). We've…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Cladding & insulation

Although there will be some thermal bridging from the nails, the timber studs themselves are a bigger thermal bridging concern (assuming that you're insulating between the studs - timber is…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
gyprock on the skirting not behind.

It'll be tricky getting the Gyprock level and flush and staying that way, especially taking expansion/contraction into account - not impossible, but difficult. Traditional skirting boards can (and do)…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Final Floorplans - Advice & Ideas

For what it's worth, I prefer the new plan - I think that it has a better flow between areas and makes better use of natural light into the main…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Contract signing tips and traps

Engage both an independent building inspector and a solicitor BEFORE contract signing (get the building inspector sorted first, they're usually able to recommend appropriate solicitors).
The building inspector can do a…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Custom 2-storey knockdown rebuild - Canberra

Good to see another Canberra build!
I think you've done a good job of capturing the orientation with that plan, although I second ' concerns about those two west-facing windows .…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Our KDR Project - Canberra

Looking a lot better, I think (although I do agree with 's suggestion about the ensuite.
Using the BIR in bed 4 as a noise shield to the PWC is a…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Height compliance questions. Did you encounter this?

One error I can see in your calculations: you're taking 360mm off the height for the cut. That's not consistent with what's on the plan provided, which only has…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Our KDR Project - Canberra

I was thinking Rumpus > PWC > Bath > Bed 4 > Bed 3, losing the mini-WIR in bed 4 in exchange for a built-in robe along the wall adjoining…

  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Understanding mortgage broker calculations?

On the figures provided there, the net proceeds of borrowing (i,e. what goes towards paying for the house) is $296K. On top of that, there's an 'extra' $7.7K added…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Insulating 7 Start + new house

We recently finished our own custom build in Canberra, which is performing well so far this winter (we've even had a couple of times where it's actually overheated and we've…

  ⋅  4
7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Our KDR Project - Canberra

I think the new rumpus/bed 4 layout is better than the original - but on this plan I'd argue for swapping bed 4 and the wet areas, for noise and…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Take Two

Lights are looking good, and glad that progress is still being made, albeit slowly.

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Have they forgotten to put bricks on top of the window?

Looks to me like the brickies and the window supplier might have had different ideas about either the correct head height, or the window height - the brickwork, including articulation…

7 years7 yearsalgernonalgernon posted:
Pre-cast Concrete House Build Perth

Very interesting - why did you decide to go with pre-cast concrete?

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29 April 2016

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