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Joined 12 December 2019
Junior Member
10 months10 monthsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Every Day is a school day - Dilapidation reports

Sounds like it.

10 months10 monthsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Every Day is a school day - Dilapidation reports

I think somebody should have gone to Specsavers....:lol: sorry couldn't help it!
Some people will try anything, good on you for having the…

2 years2 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Undermount sink

Have had stone benches with undermount sink (kitchen) and drop-in (laundry) and top-mounted basin (bathrooms) for coming up 13 years and not one chip/scratch of any kind. Would have…

2 years2 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Help! What Herbicide to use on a 5 acre vacant lot?

Yes, Glyphospate is non-selective and works on the Nitrogen in plants, so anything that is green, will die.
Is the area fenced? if so how good are the…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Benchtop caesarstone colour

And to be totally different....I chose 30mm! At the time 30mm wasn't available in every colour, so might pay to check, but they might have changed that now…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Kitchen layout feedback

Option 1 would be my choice from those plans. I really dislike cooktops on island bench, specially one that has seating and didn't buy a house a few years…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Modernising an Old Girl - We won a Heritage Award!

How great to find the original photo. I think the roofline is more balanced now than when it was built, so I think you did it a favour. …

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Importing a pivot door

Have you contacted any of the custom entry door sites? Just checked as I thought I had one bookmarked but can't see it now, however a google search shows…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Career change

It's never too late to make a career change, imho. Being happy in your work life is more than $$! Only you know your financial position but being…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Are these Termites

As there are 360 species of termites in Australia it's difficult to confirm without local knowledge of the species generally found in your area.
You could contact your local…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Ticking Noise Inside A Wall

Hope that finds the cause. With our house the ticking would 'never' be heard at night, it was only during changes in temperature during the day but it wasn't…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Ticking Noise Inside A Wall

I lived for many years with metal roof on metal framing and it wasn't as 'regular' as that sound.

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Interior and kitchen paint colours for new build.

I didn't mention the A4 swatches because I wasn't sure if they were still available, but they are so much better than the 100x100 swatches.
Not sure of current…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Interior and kitchen paint colours for new build.

Initially I didn't see GrandPiano as being really green, just a very slight tinge, but nothing more. That is, until I went to choose bedroom carpet which I wanted…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Interior and kitchen paint colours for new build.

GrandPiano Half was the choice in the last house, but it turned out quite green, so with that in mind I chose Antique White USA (full) in the current house…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Help finding a discontinued toilet seat

Try Gumtree, it's amazing what is posted there. Good luck!
True story, when I was doing a total bathroom reno a few years ago, the toilet pan (in the house…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Do I need to get a certificate for driveway for OC?

If you are lucky, the certifier will do a drive-by, not even sure they checked the driveway stages, but that was a year later too. Imho, it's best not…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
NBN point in your new house.

I would think so, but then I'm not an expert in this field and like you, we can see the tower on a nearby hill.
Just checked google maps…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
NBN point in your new house.

With TPG I had the option of a higher speed at additional monthly cost, but so far (12 days) the speed has been good for what we need. It's…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
NBN point in your new house.

iktan1... check if there are other options in your area as until last week I had NBN/FTTN and recently received a letter from TPG (have been with them for several…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Splashback for Classic calacatta

Have to agree about the mismatch and while I know screens can show different colours, one looks to have a more white background whereas the other is more creamy, then…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Flu vent on roof

Not trying to be pedantic, but 'normal everyday gas' doesn't exist, it's either LPG or NG...there are others too but these are the most common and I didn't want to…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Flu vent on roof

Which gas? LPG/NG/etc?

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
How to split levels

It's bright because I hate dark houses.
Don't disregard reflective light, interior colours, furnishings etc make a whole lot of difference.
An upside down layout would be a personal choice but…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
How to split levels

Have to agree with Leona in that the house is better if it 'fits' the block, rather than the other way around.
With a wedge shaped block don't forget you…

3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Dishwasher space in tight kitchen

Have you thought about a dishdrawer? Afaik, they are still 600mm wide (same as most d/w's) but can be set lower or higher than regular bench height.
They can be…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
EcoStay building project

Genius! Have to agree it fits in nicely, anything 'modern' would look out of place.

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsAllnamesrgoneAllnamesrgone posted:
Exterior colour scheme help for modest Californian Bungalow

Grey in all shades is passed it's use-by date (hooray!!) so I would suggest something new and exciting.
The white walls might need a light pressure wash to refresh them, then…

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