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Joined 3 August 2010
Gold Member
2 h2 hAlthomAlthom posted:
Brick Veneer - retrofit insulation in outer walls - Brisbane

Not sure if these people are active where you are but take a look at for retro fitting of wall insulation.
They talk about double brick homes as that's the…

  ⋅  1
3 d3 dAlthomAlthom posted:
External Sensor Flood light

I used Mr Beams battery powered sensor lights.
No wiring required, batteries are normal D size and last 10-12 months even at the front of the house where they go off…

  ⋅  1
16 d16 dAlthomAlthom posted:
Questions re: Practical Completion

Practical Completion is generally held to mean "which is when the work is completed except for any omissions or defects that do not prevent the work from being reasonably capable…

1 month1 monthAlthomAlthom posted:
Are these windows gaps and uneven brick finishing acceptable

Did he say how it is going to be fixed?
Because the only way to actually FIX it is to pull the wall down and start again.
I'd suggest he's got a…

  ⋅  1
2 months2 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Estate restricting lot owners installing rolling shutter

A lot of those Covenants are put in place at the time the Developers are still involved and marketing a certain look and they get ignored or expire after a…

  ⋅  1
4 months4 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Two kitchens in one house - planning rules

"is it exempt or do I need to get permission from council"
Call your Council and ask them

4 months4 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Modularwalls fence / retaining function & water leakage

It's your neighbours job to deal with run off from their property.
If your neighbour’s actions have caused an unreasonable flow of water onto your property, causing damage to your real…

5 months5 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Roof ventilation

No moving parts, sits on the roof ridge.
Still needs eave vents.
We have 3 E-Vents on the roof and 6 Eave Vents in the eaves

5 months5 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Does this quote seem right? Turf + landscaping

Seems very fair.

5 months5 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Latch too far from the frame to grab

Looking at that photo there's no way that door is latching unless there's some serious upward pressure being placed. Gap between door and jamb also looks to be widening above…

5 months5 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Solar Panel Installation

$3500 for a 3.3 kW setup?
Your builder is applying a markup of about 100% and is having a lend of you.
For that price you'd be able to install 6.6kW easily

5 months5 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Acrylic garage doors? Anyone?

Neighbours have one. Gets direct afternoon sun and discoloured badly. Also can't insulate them so it's basically like having a tinted window in your garage. Not overly practical

6 months6 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Sign off approval required before verandah built

Depends on size, local regulations etc.
Ask your Council.

6 months6 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Front door issues

That gap under/between the doors is ridiculous.
Hope you haven't paid for that sub standard work?

7 months7 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Paving Concrete Over Termguard Pipes

It can be installed by a number of licenced pest control companies.
I would doubt that any builder is approved to do installation and that they would be required to get…

7 months7 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Paving Concrete Over Termguard Pipes

Provide the installer with the details of Termguard's website and tell them to fix it.
If you do it yourself I think you'll find that any warranty is void

7 months7 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Paving Concrete Over Termguard Pipes

The Termguard website has detailed installation instructions with specific requirements for piping under concrete.
What you've got there does not in any way comply and you shouldn't be paying for it…

7 months7 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Replacing front fence

Try your local council.
They should be able to advise in regards ownership of next door dwellling and give advice as to what steps you have to take before doing any…

8 months8 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Neighbours rights to house access during reno

They cannot access your property or put anything on your property without your permission.
If they do request any access first ask to see evidence that they have insurance for any…

9 months9 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Finding an old tile - Beaumonts Alto Eggshell

Could try calling the Tile Library in Perth 08 9242 8500

9 months9 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Extending already approved patio

If your patio is going to be 35 sqm then that's going to need Council Approval.
The fact that they previously approved your 25sqm patio will be irelevant

9 months9 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Builder Charging to Review Independent Reports

A 14 week delay per inspection?
So is your builder saying they know that the Independent Inspector will uncover stuff that requires 14 weeks of rework every time he does and…

10 months10 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Best way to attach perspex to an aluminium fence

Covering the air con condesnor?
Hoping you're not planning on restricting air flow?

11 months11 monthsAlthomAlthom posted:
Cancel build contract, finalising prestart stage

Best just to get out.
We have a number of BGC builds in our suburb and they've not progressed at all in the last 6 months.
They're not taking on…

1 year1 yearAlthomAlthom posted:
Is this fence acceptable?

Caused by the change in heights
Give it 4 weeks and you won't even notice it

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1 year1 yearAlthomAlthom posted:
Facade with Balcony or Sunroom

Well you won't get cooked by the afternoon sun when sitting out on the balcony on a summers afternoon but you won't have much to look at besides the neighbours…

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1 year1 yearAlthomAlthom posted:
Facade with Balcony or Sunroom

Which way does it face?
Does it get morning sun or afternoon sun?
What's the view from the room?
What could you use the additional floorspace in the room for as opposed to…

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1 year1 yearAlthomAlthom posted:
Orange rust spots one driveway

Got to be on to it quickly though.
If the driveways isn't sealed and it has time to work it's way in it's there for good

1 year1 yearAlthomAlthom posted:
Orange rust spots one driveway

Could also be as a result of fertilizer application, not sweeping granules off the concrete and those granules then getting wet.
Most lawn foods contain some iron sulphates

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearAlthomAlthom posted:
blocked drain in laundry

Certainly should not be considered normal as some of those items make the place uninhabitable.

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3 August 2010

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