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49 Posts
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Joined 27 April 2006
Junior Member
18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
Our Dream Home

Hi Ladyice,
Glad to see that you are progressing well. I haven't visited this site for a while - thanks for the PM reminder.
Good luck with choosing your colours and appliances.…

18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
Kitchen cabinet handles (pic)

have you looked here yet?
sorry but I don't have time to see if they have that particular handle, but they generally have every bit of cabinet hardware that you would…

18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
Bathroom Tile size

Thanks Michelle. I am only responsible for choosing the tiles - the builder has done the rest.
I will post more pics once we're in and the place is clean.

18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
Bathroom Tile size

.........or a happy medium of 450 x 450

18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
home inflation

what bust??
where do you come from??
my area is doing ok I guess.

18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
Extras for electrical - does this sound too high?

yeah it does sound high, but what are you gonna do??
it seems a shame not to have the work done whilst there is no plaster up even though you could…

18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
How much research?

I think that we all aknowledge that builders mark up the prices. But hey, they have too - otherwise there is no money in it for them and they might…

18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
Retractable vs. canopy rangehoods

Hey Designmarc,
Relax dude. Everyone has an opinion on a forum like this - although some people shouldn't
You got to learn to ignore the noise sometime and acknowledge the fact…

18 years18 yearsaltoalto posted:
Hanging internal doors

$180 per door is crazy talk - GPs don't even earn that much.
He's a link
they make it look easier than it is.
The only advice I can give is have the…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
New Homes Contract

standard one for me

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Positive Building Experiences

Hi adb,
I've had a very positive experience so far - it seems that I am one of the lucky ones. See my thread below.
I guess that you need to identify…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Life span of kitchens

give up on expecting euro finish or quality in your house - we simply don't have the expertise in Australia or, if not a luxury home, an ordinary punter can't…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Hi from northern Melbourne

Hi David,
I'm from the northern suburbs as well. I've lived in Thomastown and Epping for 25 years. I will be moving on to my new house in Essendon in a…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Demolishing permit + building permit

have you been on the council website? perhaps they have the regs online.
I'm a resident of whittlesea but have never dealt with them in this regard.

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Prentice/Glenvill Homes

I'm really sorry to hear your bad luck story noddy.
Are you able to claim on their builder's or PI insurance??

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Kitchen appliances

too late now

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Kitchen appliances

In my new home i'm fitting smeg appliances. They include a 900mm cooktop and rangehood, double oven and fully integrated dishwasher. I'm yet to hear a bad thing about smeg…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Alto's new home

a couple more pics.

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
new garage...

hehehehehe - I get your point Builda :D
When you lay everything out it does make sense that it would cost a lot more…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
new garage...

one made from tin perhaps???
I would have thought that $20k could buy a standard spec brick garage for 2 cars.

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Timber Flooring (on slab)

my builder is laying brush box parquetry to the slab of my new house.
here's a picture from the display home

Timber Flooring (on slab)
19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Second house on the same block, what to do?

you may also wish to consider the GST and capital gains tax implications of this project before proceeding.
There's nothing worse than having a tax shock when it comes time to…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Amber,
Good luck with building your new house - it sounds like you are very excited.
One thing that strikes me as strange is that a builder of more than 200…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
ceramic vs. porcelin tiles

I had the same issue.
I decided to go a polished porcelain in the main floor area and a matt finish (same tile) in the shower recess.
It looks ok because the…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Polished boards/parquetry - Gloss, satin or matt??

Hi all,
In all of the houses that I've ever lived in we have had our floor boards polished in high gloss.
The surface has generally worn pretty good more as a…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Alto's new home

Thanks builda.
I've gone in with a positive attitude with this project which has helped a lot. The builder has also been very accomodating with any queries or changes that I've…

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Alto's new home

Thanks Adrian.
The builder is Enterprise Contructions. No inspector other than myself.
I'm building in Essendon.

19 years19 yearsaltoalto posted:
Alto's new home

Here's another update for anyone who is interested.
The house is finally locked up :D

......... and the plasterboard has been hung



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