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82 Posts
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Joined 5 December 2007
Loyal Member
15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Help! Builder wants to claim the 5 weeks industry shutdown!

This happened with our builder. We went to VCAT for the builder going over time and this go discussed. He got a big telling off for it as it was…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Is this the worst plumber ever? can you beat this?

Only discovered this last weekend when it was warm enough in Melb to turn on the evap cooling .... me and hubby tried everything (including reading the manual

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Took our builder to VCAT.... and we won!!!!

National Builders Group. However the VCAT search won't show that as they are franchised and its under his building company, Kenuri (and I know there are a couple of other…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Took our builder to VCAT.... and we won!!!!

Haven't been around here much since the building finished... however I have a good story to share for those that might be going through a similar thing.
Our builder went over…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Neighbours from hell!

I would get all the evidence I can then I would ring A Current Affair / Today Tonight. They love their "neighbours from hell" stories. :wink:

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
NBG Carrington 280.. a couple more pics 7/01/2010!!!

you must be excited!!
my tips:
-check under the vanities to check that when they drilled the holes to get hte plumbing through they did a good job
- check the cabinetry- our…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:

Yes Harvey Norman did look after us as we did around 28sq of flooring with them. We took in the floor plans so we were able to get really accurate…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:

What also helps to make it affordable is how you pay for it. We got our carpets and wood floors from Harvey Norman. The offer was got was 4 years…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Final floorplan suggestions and feedback

Hi- love you big family room at the end.
but....where is your storage???? Its the one thing I got load of and and completely please with it. WIRs need to be…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Ducted Vacuum Vs Dyson.....???

we've had our dyson for about 4 years and decided not to get the ducted vacuum as we're really happy with it. Its a bit tired now as with the…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Which builder? In SA

I'm not familiar with either... how do their inclusions / build times compare?

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Need advice on this house plan - updated plan

move the master bedroom door a little bit so its not in the way of the WIR.
bedroom are quite a good size- is the study going to be study always?…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Things I wish I knew before I started...

Get a diary and record every phone call, email, letter, meeting etc. This way you can keep track of what's going on.
Be prepared to be disappointed along the way.... but…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Tips on how to get builder to hurry up already?

I think that blessedpeople is aware the NBG does not always finish well. I built with them and the start was fine and the final 10% of work took 5…

15 years15 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Any comment on National Builders Group

Hey Munz,
have you got your contract with the build time yet? be careful as NBG will try and slip you a letter saying they want to extend it by 20…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Weeks from slab laying to handing over of keys-double story

well for our single story, from slab to keys it has been 8 months!!!!! based on a total of 6.5 months in the contract. Well, I think you know some…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Handover this Friday!!!

At long last, we will be getting the keys to our new house this Friday. It feel like its been forever in the making so we are relieved and very…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Any comment on National Builders Group

Our builder was Kenuri Group- we built in the NE suburbs, but he was based in the NW area

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Who's your recommended builder?

Well I can tell you who to avoid based on my experience, but I know others on the board here are doing quite well with the same group...
I think the…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
frustrations with first home contract.

Sorry to hear you're off to such a rough start.... if you really aren't confident at this stage, maybe you should look elsewhere? Is this an option for you?
It seems…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Does your builder leave your door open during fixing stage?

we had problems with this and our builder said it was a sackable offence... doubt that anyone got the boot for it though!

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Putting own Kitchen in..builder says no !!

perhaps if you offer to do it after handover when the property is not longer subject to contractual terms? Can you do that or would it be to difficult with…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Who had the longest house build?

It feels like me, (but I'm sure there are worse) :roll:
start to lock up (mid July08- end Oct08).... lock up to completion.... end…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Has anyone installed a 'mains flush' system?!

....or you can get it hooked up to you water tank and use that water to flush the toilets?
Do they say how much water they use?

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Penalty Clauses on Building Contracts- R they standard ?

we are not happy with what was offered and have hit a bit of an issue and the NBG told it was 'not negotiable' when clearly it says it is....

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
LIST of Everything which Should/Could be included with House

skirting boards
those heating/light units in that bathroom (can't remember what they are called)
PS Wouldn't connect water tank to washing machine as you then get all the cr@p that comes off…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
Certificate of occupancy

speak with these guys: Building Advice and Conciliation Victoria 1300 557 559
I've found them very helpful- and they don't just side with the builders!

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
When did they put your applicances etc in??

Evening all,
I know they do it on 'handover' but what did that mean for you? Did everyone all turn up on 1 day and do it all? When was this…

16 years16 yearsantheaanthea posted:
NBG Carrington 280.. a couple more pics 7/01/2010!!!

YAY!! fingers crossed that it all happens at a swift pace!!! maybe you can be the NBG success story ::wink::
please post pic- will be…

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5 December 2007

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