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Joined 10 March 2024
Junior Member
2 months2 monthsBasherBasher posted:
Mimosa Structural Gurantee

Yeah right. I can't even get them to sort out issues at my 4 year old house.
H2 soil. water pooling under the slab, storm water draianage is…

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3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

I am Reading it. I have also informed my insurance company and they are sending a plumber to investigate.

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

saveH2O I am launching a complaint with VBA and DBRV. Hopefully they will not side with the builder.

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

groundzero I questioned metricon about the swale drain which they were meant to provide and 2 missing stormwater pits as per drainage plan.…

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Haven't seen any cracking so far.
Doors and windows seem fine. Some doors are bit tight but I have to check the hinges.
I have asked the insurance company to check the…

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Occupancy permit was issued in December 2020.
We bought it early this year.
First owner built it and lived in it for few months and sold.
Second owner used it as a holiday…

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Thanks groundzero. Really appreciate your help. I am still trying the builder to come back or at least acknowledge the problem. I had…

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

groundzero It could be due to poor drainage.
I had someone in today to have a look at this and they pointed out…

water seeping through from under slab into post hole
3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Thanks Heaps groundzero. I need to get some one in to check the slab erossion. I can see the reinforcing steel under the…

water seeping through from under slab into post hole
3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Can anyone recommend an engineer in Melbourne?
I need them to look at this water pooling problem and also the slab rebates and get a report.
Our neighbours garage is on…

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Can anyone recommend an engineer in Melbourne?
I need them to look at this water pooling problem and also the slab rebates and get a report.
Our neighbours garage is on…

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Eng. B A Thank you so much. Are you in Melbourne by any chance? If yes, can you inspect and do a…

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Thanks for your reply. Soil report says there was "no ground water encountered". I have pasted below:
Also, noticed that the edges of slab where the bricks sit are no where…

3 months3 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

So i started to removed the pebbles from the side of the house today to follow the recommendations of groundzero.
Noticed that there wasn't…

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
Drainage Plan and AS 2870

My questions are:
Is this drainage plan sufficient for H2 soil and compliant with AS2870?
Should the builder install an ag drain to remove the water accumulating under the slab?
I appreciate any…

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Here is the image of the drainage plan.

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Hey mate, Sorry for disturbing you again. I was looking through my drainage plan trying to figure out where to direct the surface water. Are these highlighted in yellow, meant…

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
Side path options

Hi, How did you go about this? I have the same issue.

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Just one more question, is it legal to let the water run off to the street? If it is, I will just grade the soil so it runs towards the…

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Thanks Mate. Very helpful.

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Should i garde the soil towards the fences on all 3 sides and dig small trench to carry the water outside to the street?

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Only once few months back it seemed like it was drying up when we didn't get much rain for some weeks. I had to get a pump to dump the…

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

From just under the plastic membrane from under the house. Not from the bottom of the hole. Here are some videos.
In the below video, recorded Thursday, 19/09/2024 7:26am, you…

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

No efflorescence on any bricks. Still getting the water seeping out from under the slab. No pooling water on site. Water almost gushes out after every rain when i empty…

4 months4 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

Just an update. Builders plumbers fixed the leaks found through hydro static testing pressure and camera inspection. This was done on 19/08. I kept on emptying the water with a…

5 months5 monthsBasherBasher posted:
water seeping through from under slab into post hole

We pressure tested the storm water and found multiple leaks. It is getting fixed soon. Will see how it goes after this.

9 months9 monthsBasherBasher posted:
Potential Water buildup under slab

Just removed 40 liters of water in the span of 2 hours. Water fills up the hole just above the seepage point and doesn't overflow.

9 months9 monthsBasherBasher posted:
Potential Water buildup under slab

I dug up few post holes in my backyard to install pergola.
One post hole next to the wall in my back yard, keeps filling with water. I can see the…

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10 March 2024

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