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Joined 19 July 2021
Junior Member
1 year1 yearbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Help removing ceiling vents

Glad I could help! 😁

1 year1 yearbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Help removing ceiling vents

These round ones are much easier! They are attached to the ceiling by three spring loaded clamps, spaced evenly around the circle.
To remove, find a good grip by slipping…

2 years2 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Help removing ceiling vents

I'm glad I could help you with this!
Yeah it's such a frustrating design that doesn't really favour ease of later adjustments. But at least you were able to remove it…

2 years2 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Help removing ceiling vents

I know the feeling! It was a battle to remove them without breaking it.
You're correct that the clip should just pry directly outwards (when looking from inside the house).…

2 years2 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Help removing ceiling vents

I found the advice was looking for in another forum. Here is the advice that helped me:
The black adaptor is clipped to the grill frame by the tabs at the…

Help removing ceiling vents
3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Brivis Wombat Classic startup behaviour

I have a Brivis Classic 2P Wombat 26 gas furnace in a place we moved into late last year. We didn't really experience winter then so hadn't had much of…

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Dripping Under Shower Tiles?

Recently I have begun to notice a dripping sound that seems to be from UNDER the shower tiles.
Once all taps are turned off, and other visible sources of water drips…

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Advice on installing split system with existing evap cooling

I would like to get some advice on my options for installing a split system aircon in a room that already has existing evap cooling.
I have recently converted a room…

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Plasterboard loose from stud

I've noticed on some of my walls, that the plasterboard feels disconnected from the stud, in that I am able to press on a particular spot and feel a gap…

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Help removing ceiling vents

I would like to replace the evap cooling vents as they are discolouring and dirty.

But I'm finding it difficult to detach the ceiling vent cover. It's one of…

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Relocating thermostat above light switch

Is that something a stud finder with live wire detection will tell me?
I am interested in a Nest Thermostat to combine both heating and cooling controllers into one device. Though…

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Relocating thermostat above light switch

Hi guys,

I'm wanting to install a smart thermostat in place of two old existing controllers. To also open up the available wall space, I want to relocate the…

Relocating thermostat above light switch
3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Large gaps around exterior window. Fill in?

Ok thanks for your recommendations!

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Large gaps around exterior window. Fill in?

would a product like this be suitable?
https://www.bunnings.com.au/sika-500ml- ... r_p1211402
I guess the key is to use sparingly so it doesn't get out of control.

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Large gaps around exterior window. Fill in?

Ok thanks for the suggestion. You wouldn't recommend sticking expanding foam into the existing gaps and then sealing over what gaps remain?

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Large gaps around exterior window. Fill in?

The house was built in the early 2000s.

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Punctured weep hole flashing


While clearing out my severely blocked weep holes (caked with mud and mortar debris), I have accidentally poked a tiny hole in the material that is on the…

Punctured weep hole flashing
3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Yellowed air con vents

I plan on doing the same thing to our yellowed vents. Or even just replacing them completely,
How do you remove them from the ceiling? I attempted to pry it off…

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
2 heating vents in enclosed room

Currently my living room is open to the hallway with no doorway. It also has two heating vents in the room.

I intend to close off the room…

3 years3 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
Large gaps around exterior window. Fill in?

Hello. I've been inspecting around the exterior of a new house we moved into, and noticed that several of the windows have these large gaps at the bottom edges of…

4 years4 yearsbasKT_casebasKT_case posted:
How to treat water damage in door frame before painting

Hi guys,

I've just moved into a new place, and while we were removing the old laminate flooring in the master bedroom to get ready for carpeting, we discovered…

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