5PostsMost Active Topics
2 months2 monthsBeechey posted:
Builder in liquidation - collecting stage certificates?
Builder in liquidation - collecting stage certificates?
QBCC will do nothing to assist as they claim it is contractual and they can't assist. They tell you to get a lawyer. The same thing has happened to me.…
2 months2 monthsBeechey posted:
Certifier final inspection 6 weeks before Occupational certi
Certifier final inspection 6 weeks before Occupational certi
Did the builder organise the certifier? You will probably find the builder hadn't paid the suppliers and it took him that long to finally pay them so you could obtain…
2 months2 monthsBeechey posted:
QLD - Builder finished without notifying Building Certifier
QLD - Builder finished without notifying Building Certifier
Hi Peter, fid you get a resolution to your issue. The same thing has happened to me and I found out that the builder has not paid the suppliers and…
5 months5 monthsBeechey posted:
Frame exposed to weather for 6 months
Frame exposed to weather for 6 months
Does anybody want to share how the went with all the issues with wet frames and mould issues. I'm in the same boat.
2 years2 yearsBeechey posted:
Knock down rebuild
Knock down rebuild
Hi, I'm looking at using GW Homes to build a new home. Has anybody had any dealings with them? They are based in SE Qld.
Joined homeone
13 December 2022