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317 Posts
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Joined 24 August 2009
Silver Member
5 years5 yearsBelsBels posted:
Help! Split system letting in bushfire smoke

1668.2 also covers private residential dwellings, I checked before I posted. I wasn't aiming to attack or offend you, just correcting a point whereas in the case of a…

5 years5 yearsBelsBels posted:
Help! Split system letting in bushfire smoke

A ducted RC system should be installed with a fresh air intake if it was going to be installed correctly to comply with AS1668.2. The rule of thumb is…

5 years5 yearsBelsBels posted:
Containment for pets in the living room

Previously before my reno I used child gates and barriers to keep pets out of the kitchen

5 years5 yearsBelsBels posted:
Need help identifying recessed light

240v halogen downlight. I'd take arcadeit idea further and suggest replacing the downlights with IC4 rated LED downlights which can be abutted and covered completely with insulation.

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsBelsBels posted:
Could aircon on first floor only work for the whole house?

The short answer is no it won't work.
It is likely air conditioning was only put upstairs as heat rises essentially and the bedrooms upstairs would be unbearable in summer.

6 years6 yearsBelsBels posted:
Split System Air Con in Hebel Double-Storey

It all depends on where you are locating the outdoor units. Do they need to be wall mounted or could you sit them on the ground on feet?…

6 years6 yearsBelsBels posted:
Actron Ducted Air Conditioning

Yes provided you get the duct work and any ancillaries (zoning dampers, etc) provisioned as well as an electrical circuit before it's all sheeted up. Wouldn't think there…

6 years6 yearsBelsBels posted:
Vibrating floor when AC is on

I'd be getting the original installer out to look at it. It could be something as simple as the indoor unit wasn't installed with spring mounts to dampen/eliminate the…

6 years6 yearsBelsBels posted:
Vibrating floor when AC is on

That's up to you. They could certainly look at it for you but won't be covering installation defects which could be found to be the cause of your vibration.…

6 years6 yearsBelsBels posted:
Vibrating floor when AC is on

Book a service call and get it assessed by someone who can tell you what's wrong.

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Ducted heating floor vents (first floor)

Sorry I was a bit vague in my reply above. The pooling air around your feet will occur only upstairs but is also dependent on the location of your…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Please help. Need advice

The modulating damper feature will save you something compared to the traditional zone controller with on/off control of the air to zones. It's just if you can see the…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Please help. Need advice

From what I can gather it just looks like a fancy zone controller that also utilizes modulating zone dampers and differential pressure sensors. Whether it can save you more…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Please help. Need advice

Have you got a link?

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Ducted heating floor vents (first floor)

Floor discharge registers will work much better for heating as the natural effect of heat rising will assist to bring the air up. In cooling as cool air tends…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Please help. Need advice

You'll find the RXYQ10TY1A will be more efficient overall even with the greater output for heating and cooling. It has a maximum consumption of 7.04kW in cooling and 7.29kW…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Hydronic heating

And metro Melbourne doesn't get down cold enough that we have issues with pipes bursting after a freeze over. :)
Sometimes it's better to take some…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Radius for AC gas piping

Firstly, start documenting everything including a timeline of events.
See here https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/consu ... guarantees
This outlines your rights and where you stand. When purchasing goods or services, it…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Radius for AC gas piping

Hi, firstly I would edit your post and remove the business' name as it could lead to you receiving legal action for defamation.
I'll reply when I'm on my pc…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Help me Brainstrust: Ecobee4 Compatability

There are some models of Actron Air which allow connection of standard thermostats/smart thermostats to control the unit over the proprietary Actron controller. You'd need to contact Actron Air…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Hydronic heating

Oh forgot to mention, if the opportunity presents itself, go visit a showroom. Some Hydronic installers even have working systems to give you a feel of what you would…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Evaporative cooling vs Split system

The electric elements were used in the discharge air stream when the system cycled into defrost to defrost the coil so as to not blow cold air into the conditioned…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Hydronic heating

My advice, do your research, speak to each company and gauge how you feel about them, inquire to the brands of equipment and research them. If you get a…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
What is the best heating systems?

I have wall mounted radiators located around the house

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
What is the best heating systems?

You don't need to be on a slab to have hydronic heating. I'm on stumps with a hydronic system.

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7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Temp control for wine room

What you require is borderline outside the envelop what a split system for air conditioning is designed for. You may be better off using a dedicated wine cellar cooler which…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Temp control for wine room

What sort of wine will you be storing and are you concerned with humidity control? What temperature range are you looking to maintain?
Have you considered a ceiling cassette split…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Split Systems

We work in metric here in Australia mate... not everyone is going to be able to convert on the cuff.
Wow you troll up a thread from 4 years ago, I'm…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
When should the warranty of heating start counting ?

Unless you had absolute junk equipment installed by the most incompetent installers with no idea between them and the system hasn't worked from day dot, what's to say that you…

7 years7 yearsBelsBels posted:
Ventilation in bedrooms with dual glazed windows

So which way are you leaning towards in resolving this issue?



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