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383 Posts
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Joined 1 January 2017
Gold Member
2 years2 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Plenty far enough. Gut busting work digging the garden.

2 years2 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Great work on the doors. Agree wholeheartedly with your choices.

3 years3 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Yep looks good. So satisfying when the final coat goes on. It is, as you said, no more looking at it as something that still needs doing.

3 years3 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Looks good.

3 years3 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

I feel your pain. Wind is a hazard when you’re doing it yourself. Rain just spoils everything. Just as things start to dry out, down it comes again. Rinse and…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Timber partition wall

If its permanent, then no it needs to be connected to the frame.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
HELP! URGENT! Brick Vs Cladding/Lightweight

Choose another cladding profile. Plenty of nice ones available.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Underfloor insulation

Probably less waste installing parallel. And as you say, less joins that could impact performance.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Underfloor insulation

How are you attaching the batts?

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Decent amount done for a weekend.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Roof tile question

That’s what I meant to say. Bad quality is the new normal.

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Floor insulation - thermal bridge

Is the crawl space enclosed?

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Roof tile question

Aussieta was being sarcastic I believe i.e. sloppy work.
Why is the valley flashing not the same colour as the tiles?

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
How to open restriction on windows

Security torx bit.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
(VIC) Help understanding letter from a future neighbour

Something has been lost in translation. You need to go check the plans before agreeing to anything. But building that close to the boundary means no windows so your privacy…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Internal Door to garage (size)

Removalists are paid by the hour :-) Make sure the front door is big enough.
Once had an issue with a freedom furniture couch (Aussie made) was…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Want to install underfloor heating with Burbank Homes

Has to be done before tiling, by the builder or tiler, that’s the only really realistic option.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
No family downstairs bathroom?

Yes a tricky question. Personally I’d keep the ensuite private but that’s just me. Years ago houses had only 1.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
squeaky floor joist

Sorry no, I think it was in someone’s home build thread. Pretty bad, they had videos of the noise.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
New build, need advice on facade please!

3rd for me. But then every window in my house is exactly the same shape, style, size and location ;-)

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Installing Security Cameras and Rolling Shutter in Hebel Hom

Poe cameras under the eaves post handover would be cheapest. Depends on how many your planning on getting.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
squeaky floor joist

There’s been big threads about this type of issue. If you have access to the joists you could find where it’s coming from and maybe fix it. It is a…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
New build, need advice on facade please!

You’ve got 2 dissimilar windows on the second floor which look (to me) stranger than a window which will be covered by the front patio.
Tops of doors and windows should…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
squeaky floor joist

It’s a building defect. Is it your house? Won’t affect the structural integrity at all but will be annoying as all....

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Is this slab within normal limits

It still needs to be attached to something. Walls can’t float above the ground. Have aloof into the gap and see if there’s anything supporting the wall.

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Is this slab within normal limits

I assume an external wall? The bottom plate should be attached to the slab with a minimum amount of overhand. If it’s not attached at all then it is non…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Benchtop Colour help needed

The first one. But really how can you envisage what it will all look like from tiny swatches. I’m not a fan of the dark cabinets but they could look…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Add insulation to exterior wall without complete stripping

Stupid homeone iPad theme has no edit button....
You need a vapour permeable water barrier house wrap. You could do away with battens as weatherboards are not really airtight. Pretty much…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
Add insulation to exterior wall without complete stripping

Anticon is for under roof only. My thoughts are it’d be a right pain to do hundreds of cuts or holes. It will never look original again. And wouldn’t get…

4 years4 yearsBerekBerek posted:
bathroom tile size

Sorry can’t edit posts on an iPad. That’s if the tiles match.

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1 January 2017

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