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Joined 1 November 2020
Bronze Member
2 months2 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Vapour Barrier Issues During Build

The only way to resolve the matter is to ask why the builder believes this is not an issue by asking how what has been done satisfies the standards they…

2 months2 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
S-Trap or P-Trap toilets?

What the hell are you thinking?
Whatever you’re thinking just stop.

5 months5 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Roof repair

You need to rebed and point all ridges that have separated from the cement.
The roof tilers have used either the wrong sand type or incorrect ratio of cement to…

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Don't tilers grout around penetrating pipes when tiling?

Youve been told, I am a plumber and a builder.
Your refusal to accept opinion other than your own will see the issue reoccour in the future

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Don't tilers grout around penetrating pipes when tiling?

Basically because theres no need to tile it if its not going to be seen.

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Don't tilers grout around penetrating pipes when tiling?

Regardless of how the code is interpreted you have a water leak issue causing the vanity suffer watter damage.
Regardless of what the code states, this issue must be resolved.
The shower…

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
kitchen cabins before or after floor tiles

Quality=after tiles
Budget=before tiles

  ⋅  1
6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Don't tilers grout around penetrating pipes when tiling?

Everything Simeon said is correct.
Everything you have assumed is incorrect.
Defective and non compliant wet area

  ⋅  1
6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Need Advice on Filling Empty Corner Space in Powder Room

Extend the WIP into the vacant space

  ⋅  1
6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Occupation Certificate

The remediation of damaged neighboring property is typically required prior to occupation. But to be certain you should refer to your DA, it should be included within the approval requirements.

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Help - Insufficient fall for sewerage house connection

You’ve misunderstood the issue. The expansion joints must be installed vertically, it’s in the code

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Hebel + steel frame vs brick+ timber frame

Some metal frame companies will provide magnetic fixings that allow you to mount items without the need for mechanical fixings.

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Steel vs timber frame

This is untrue

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Water ingress upper level cladding

It’s likely not a leak.
Just not drying after a cold night.
To be sure, wait till summer and check after rain, it’ll probably be dry

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Are these windows gaps and uneven brick finishing acceptable

These works are not compliant.
Any inspector would pick these as defective.
There is a code to gaps in brickwork and no “fixing” will rectify these.
Any”fixing” undertaken should only…

  ⋅  1
6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Steel vs timber frame

Like at ground level outside beside the footings?
Is this where you mean?

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Enviroseal wrap installed incorrectly?

This is not installed to the manufacturers installation specification and hence is not fit for purpose, voids warranty and possibly not meet code. I’m not sure on the last one…

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
What fall on tiled alfresco?

1:100 fall is required, a drain and the threshold is also required

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Water ingress upper level cladding

Does this wall face south?

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Room not fit for purpose percentage.

Your solicitor might be able to help you

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Two kitchens in one house - planning rules

Exempt development if the house is existing.
If it’s a new build it’s likely not an issue either but always call council to confirm. They’re usually very helpful.

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
How bad can this waterproofing issue become in future?

Should the waterproofing not cover the junction of the tile strip and wall then yes it’ll likely leak should the falls be insufficient or a blockage occur.
Request the waterproofing…

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
New shower leaking

I can’t make out the issue in any pictures but the shower is not compliant if it is leaking and a repair such as you’ve mentioned is likely a temporary…

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Bath mixer position

It is a lot of work to move it but if you’re u happy with it then the expense may be worth it.
Best to ask your builder for a…

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
cladding on first floor

It’s a typical building method because it’s economical.
Stud frame and Cladding is also the best method for building in most parts of Australia.
Just be happy with your choice…

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
puddle flange needed on new floor waste (Concrete Floor)?

You must have a puddle flange at EVERY floor waste.
It’s in the code

  ⋅  1
6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:

BASIX is fairly simple but the thermal comfort potion of BASIX is the most difficult.
It’s best to have an energy assessor rate the house rather than using the…

6 months6 monthsBimbobBimbob posted:
Cathedral ceiling condensation

I once specialized in roof repairs such as this and this sounds like a complex issue therefore I suggest seeking the advice of a professional so they can attend site…

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